As I said.....The "Science" of Archaeology can only CONFRIM something when something is found. Its not a negative science. We have not found, X, Y, Z thus because we have not found them this proves they never existed? LMAO
I believe what the Bible declares that Moses was the author of the 1st 5 books of the Holy Bible, "And Moses wrote all the words of the LORD." -- Ex.24:4
Simply because You have the opinion that the Holy Bible is not INSPIRED works from the God of Creation does not confirm anything. When you actually FIND some archaeological evidence instead of claiming because NOTHING WAS FOUND this somehow discredits the actual record of the Holy Scriptures....especially when the Prima Facie evidence confirms the truth found in the Holy Bible. When and where SOMETHING has been found that evidence has never debunked the Holy Bible....the Bible stand unbroken via actual evidence. Thus.....why should I not believe the parts of the Bible where nothing has been found to discredit it? Its the same principle used in a court of law.....something is true when the Prima Facie evidence points to truth beyond the reason of doubt UNTIL....objective evidence is presented to discredit the prima facie evidence.
There is a TEST found in the Bible to assure truth where the scriptures are found, "But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in MY NAME (such as the false prophet Muhammad did), which I have not commanded him to speak or speaks the words of another (g)od….that prophet shall die." -- Deut. 18:20. Muhammad did die and its confirmed by history actual. Jesus did not, he ascended.
The religion of Islam is filled with false premises with no logical or reasonable method of conformation....other than BLIND FAITH. Example: Two contradictory positions. 1. God is infallible in delivering inspired revelations to mankind. 2. God is not capable of making sure that His Word is comprehended correctly. You will find these contradictionsbook written by Dr. A. S. Hashim titled Iman Basic Beliefs (Pages 45-46). Basically Islam does not know what is inspired and what is false.