At this point in time, reproductive freedom, democracy, Social Security, Medicare, Covid, and the environment are issues that seem to favor the Democrats over the Republicans. That is, it seems that the majority of voters think that the Democrats would do a better job at handling these issues than the Republicans.
Unfortunately for our nation, the Republicans in our government (AKA, the Radical Right Republicans (the RRRs); AKA, the MAGA-Fascist Republicans (the MAGA-Fascists)) are better at selling lies, than the Democrats are at selling the truth.
• As for the issues that seem to favor the Democrats over the Republicans:
> Reproductive freedom - Unlike the Democrats: The RRRs oppose reproductive freedom. And if they take over the Congress, they will ban abortion nationwide. And they will appoint vigilantes who will use terror to enforce that ban. After that, they will ban most birth control methods nationwide. And they will appoint vigilantes who will use terror to enforce that ban.
> Democracy - Unlike the Democrats: The MAGA-Fascist Republicans oppose democracy. And if they take over the Congress, they will destroy our democracy. That is, they will oppose laws designed to protect our democracy; and they will support laws that impede or suppress the votes of people that they don’t like; and they will support laws that will allow them (the MAGA-Fascists) to reject election results that they don’t like.
> Social Security and Medicare - Unlike the Democrats: The RRRs oppose Social Security and Medicare. And if they take over the Congress, they will eliminate Social Security and Medicare; and that could hurt middleclass, and low income, seniors. After that, they will eliminate Medicaid, and food subsidy programs, for low income workers. And after that, they will eliminate the ObamaCare; and that could hurt millions of Americans.
> Covid - Unlike the Democrats: The RRRs are anti-science and pro-Covid. And if they take over the Congress, they will undermine the CDC and other institutions that protect us from diseases (i.e., they will undermine institutions that keep America safe.) Furthermore, they will investigate Fauci in order to punish him for his MANY years of fighting to keep America safe.
> The environment - Unlike the Democrats: The RRRs are anti-science and anti-environment. And if they take over the Congress, they will undermine the EPA and other institutions that strive to protect our environment and our planet. Furthermore, they will censure our scientists.
• Here are some issues that seem to favor the Republicans over the Democrats. But should these issues favor Republicans?
> Immigration - Our nation is definitely facing an immigration MESS. Consider this:
* During Obama’s presidency, Obama and the Democrats tried to do comprehensive immigration reform, in an effort to resolve our immigration mess. What did the RRRs do in order to assist Obama and the Democrats in that effort? The answer: absolutely nothing. Bottom line:
- #1: IF the Radical Right Republicans would have worked with Obama and the Democrats, perhaps we would NOT be facing an immigration mess at this point in time.
- #2: Because of the Radical Right Republicans refused to work with the Obama and the Democrats to resolve this mess, our immigration mess was permitted to persist, and to get worse.
* Although Biden understands the complexities of our immigration mess infinitely more than Trump, his attempt to resolve that mess has NOT been a cakewalk, because of those complexities. Furthermore, the RRRs don’t seem to want to work with Biden and the Democrats in order to resolve that mess.
> Crime - Crime is definitely a MAJOR problem in our nation, and it has been for a number of years. The RRRs like to say that the Democrats are pro-crime. Consider this:
* Biden and the Democrats passed the American Rescue Plan. That plan provided $350 billion that local governments can use for their police departments. Most of the RRRs voted against the plan.
* Much of the crime in our country involves gun violence. Biden and the Democrats want to combat gun violence. However, the RRRs have repeatedly refused to do anything to combat gun violence.
* Trump and the RRRs are inciting violence against election workers and election officials.
* Trump and the RRRs are inciting voter intimidation at polling sites and drop boxes.
* In response to the Covid crisis, Trump incited violence against Asian Americans, healthcare workers, and the governor of Michigan.
* In response to his loss of the election to Biden, Trump tried to steal the election. That is:
- He colluded with RRRs to replace actual electors with fake electors that favored him.
- He attempted to coerce election officials to alter the actual vote counts so that they would be in his favor him.
- On Jan6, Trump tried to steal the election by terror and force.
* When he left office, Trump stole documents from our government. And then, he refused to return the stolen documents, after the government repeatedly asked him to do so for well over a year. It’s possible that these stolen documents included documents that contained classified information that could put our national security at risk, and that could get our intelligence people killed, if that information was seen by the wrong people.
> The economy - Note:
* When Biden took office, he inherited an economic mess from Trump (i.e., the worse economic mess since the Great Depression). And on top of that, Biden inherited a Covid mess from Trump (e.g., Covid was running rampant, and there were shortages of Covid testing supplies and shortages of medical equipment). Both of these messes were the result of Trump’s gross mismanagement of our Covid crisis; mismanagement that was fully supported by the RRRs.
* When Biden took over:
- He, with help from the Democrats, immediately took steps to clean-up Trump’s Covid mess (e.g., he got shots into our arms; unlike Trump who told us that we were on our own). And Biden eventually got Trump’s Covid mess under control.
- And then he, with help from the Democrats, immediately took steps to clean-up Trump’s economic mess (e.g., he signed the American Rescue Plan, Covid relief laws, the CHIPS Act, and the Infrastructure Law). And Biden eventually got Trump’s economic mess under control.
* One goal of the Infrastructure Law: To add an average of 1.5 million jobs per year for the next ten years.
* One goal of the CHIPS Act: To add an average of 200,000 jobs per year.
> Inflation - Note:
* Inflation is a world-wide problem, and it is affecting MANY nations.
* Some major causes of the inflation:
- World-wide supply chain issues, which are caused by the Covid pandemic.
- Putin’s war on Ukraine.
- OPEC+ plans to cut back its oil production.
- Corporate profiteering.
* In an effort to combat our inflation problem:
- Biden released oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
- The oil companies are now posting record profits. Biden has called on the oil companies to use a portion of their profits to lower gas and oil prices for consumers.
- Biden and the Democrats passed the Inflation Reduction Act, which includes the following: lower energy costs; lower drug prices; and lower ACA health care premiums.
* If we were less dependent on oil for our energy needs, and more dependent on clean energy, perhaps we would not be facing these highly and artificially inflated energy costs. However, because the RRRs are owned by the oil companies, they oppose clean energy.
• In conclusion: The Democrats really need to improve their messaging strategy in order to combat the Radical Right Republican’s success at selling lies. And they should have been doing that many months ago.
Thanks to Trump and the MAGA-Fascist Republicans, we are in the process of losing our democracy. And if the MAGA-Fascist Republicans take over Congress, we can kiss our democracy goodbye.
This is consistent with the book entitled “Everything Trump Touches Dies” which was written by a Republican strategist.