It Ain't Just Ronbots Saying it...

No, he's the head of one of the most respected economic facilities in the US that has 2 Nobel Laurents on the staff.

Such as what?

Blacks had been oppressed and terrorized for almost 400 years. How much longer should we have had to suffer while waiting on a different plan of action?
I believe that the time was ripe to work to fix the problem. This was what we came up with. I believe that focusing on "race" as the factor causes the government to focus on "race" and institutes a perpetuation of the problem while attempting to act to correct it.

I think we might have been able to come up with a better solution if we were allowed to really speak on the subject, even if it is after the fact.

So. This is the measure for you. If they have a different opinion on that particular Act then they are a racist beyond redemption and could in no uncertain terms have a different thought of a solution. That there can be no other solution than to have those specific laws. No other solution could ever, or should ever, be thought of or spoken.

Thanks. I'm good. I know your measure now.
I believe that the time was ripe to work to fix the problem. This was what we came up with. I believe that focusing on "race" as the factor causes the government to focus on "race" and institutes a perpetuation of the problem while attempting to act to correct it.

I think we might have been able to come up with a better solution if we were allowed to really speak on the subject, even if it is after the fact.

So. This is the measure for you. If they have a different opinion on that particular Act then they are a racist beyond redemption and could in no uncertain terms have a different thought of a solution. That there can be no other solution than to have those specific laws. No other solution could ever, or should ever, be thought of or spoken.

Thanks. I'm good. I know your measure now.

How you didn't already know my "measure" is beyond me.

What I've learned about you is that racism is no big deal to you and blacks should have waited, died, stayed oppressed and abused until you came up with a better idea that didn't infringe on your hate of government.

I'm fine with you not liking his views on race. Just don't try to discredit his economics as he's one of the most respected economists in the country.
How you didn't already know my "measure" is beyond me.

What I've learned about you is that racism is no big deal to you and blacks should have waited, died, stayed oppressed and abused until you came up with a better idea that didn't infringe on your hate of government.

Your "measure" as in. I must agree with the Civil Rights Act and all it entails or I am a racist. That "measure". Not your "measure" as in the measure of a man...

I know now how you "measure" what constitutes racism. This was what I was asking about in this thread. Anybody who disagrees with you on that point will now be "racist". I understand.

You have learned nothing about me as I haven't spoken about me... Other than I wish that we would open honest dialogue to see if we can take the next step, you have never even heard my opinion on this subject in any other thread than this either....

Other than the opinion: I think that a person might disagree with you on Civil Rights Act legislation and still not be a racist. You have heard almost nothing of my opinion in this thread.
I'm fine with you not liking his views on race. Just don't try to discredit his economics as he's one of the most respected economists in the country.

I've said nothing about his economics because I've never studied them. Anyone that holds the absolute lunatic beliefs he has on race, doesn't have my attention on much of anything else they have to say.
Your "measure" as in. I must agree with the Civil Rights Act and all it entails or I am a racist. That "measure". Not your "measure" as in the measure of a man...

I know now how you "measure" what constitutes racism. This was what I was asking about in this thread. Anybody who disagrees with you on that point will now be "racist". I understand.

You have learned nothing about me as I haven't spoken about me... Other than I wish that we would open honest dialogue to see if we can take the next step, you have never even heard my opinion on this subject in any other thread than this either....

Other than the opinion: I think that a person might disagree with you on Civil Rights Act legislation and still not be a racist.

You can hold any belief you chose to hold my friend, but you've yet to offer a sound alternative to racism on anything.

I know enough about you to know that we hold vastly different views on race and I doubt if you really want open dialouge on it.
I've said nothing about his economics because I've never studied them. Anyone that holds the absolute lunatic beliefs he has on race, doesn't have my attention on much of anything else they have to say.

I'm the opposite, I never take race as an issue I just study economics.
BAC, I actually respect the fact you don't try to discredit his economics based on his views on non economic issues.
You can hold any belief you chose to hold my friend, but you've yet to offer a sound alternative to racism on anything.

I know enough about you to know that we hold vastly different views on race and I doubt if you really want open dialouge on it.
As you will. But I don't think you know much about me at all. You demostrate it with comments such as this, even while we are speaking on the subject. So far only one of us has demostrated a totally closed mind on this subject in any area. And yes, we hold vastly different views, but that doesn't mean I dismiss your view.

Without speaking on the subject all we have is a divide.
As you will. But I don't think you know much about me at all. You demostrate it with comments such as this, even while we are speaking on the subject. So far only one of us has demostrated a totally closed mind on this subject in any area. And yes, we hold vastly different views, but that doesn't mean I dismiss your view.

Without speaking on the subject all we have is a divide.

You seem surprised by my virulent hate of racists.

... confusing
You seem surprised by my virulent hate of racists.

... confusing
I am not "confused", you seem "confused" by the idea that somebody may disagree with you on something and still not be racist though. If that is honestly your measure than there really is no conversation you would be willing to have. Agreement is demanded without regard to ideas or thought.