It Could Get Interesting


you see grind damo would have respected this FACT

Damo did FACTS

you do propaganda designed to protect a set of completely failed ideas
I'm surprised it's been in use since 1940, because I only became aware of its usage within the past decade, or so. Also, there weren't any southerners in the party back in 1940, meaning the GOP was highly literate.
the newt crowd stared pretending it was the real name of the party.

It proved that the media is not liberal as claimed

It is kind of funny how it acts as a litmus test.

If a journalist uses it instead of the REAL name of the party you know they are owned by the republicans.

Your side is just inherently petty liars.

listen to the fox people

they claim to be fair yet everyone of their dupes say it that way
Way too late for Biden to enter the race. He'll have missed Iowa and NH, and if he misses Super Tuesday, then there's no point in running. Independent is not an option, either, because Biden is worthless without the D next to his name.

except the delegates are only obligated to vote for their named party on the first vote.......if there is no majority there are multiple votes.......thus Hillary's votes would be cast for her in round 1......if Bernie did not have the second vote Hillary's delegates would be free to vote for Desh........
Even if she gets indicted, there's no way Hillary will drop out of the race.

She will if she gets indicted early enough and starts losing BIG in the primaries and her money providers start drying up and "The Party" tells her to give it up.
Joe Biden has joined Hillary and the Democrat’s crucifixion of the old New York jew Bernie Sanders. Biden belittling Bernie’s socialism as though the Democrat Party was something besides socialist progressive.

Here’s the game plan folks in my opinion. If the Obama Justice Department is recommended by the FBI to indict Hillary and there’s a popular demand for her to drop out of the Presidential race, Old Joe Biden is preparing to jump in and take Hillary’s place. Obama’s emergency plan to keep Hillary quiet about everything she knows about the corruption in the Obama administration he’ll pardon Hillary either immediately, or when he leaves office, depending when the lid gets blown off of the Hillary e-mail crime.

If Trump becomes the Republican’s nominee, and Biden is the Democrat’s nominee, the national Presidential debates will be a world class hoot. Biden has a piggy bank full of insults he’ll surely match Trump with and the side show should be front page stuff wherever you’re at.

Hey! Maybe they’ll duel with pistols like Burr and Hamilton, huh?

Pols bicker all the time. Its called political campaigning. What will be interesting is the RNC convention. The GOP may not survive that battle.
Pols bicker all the time. Its called political campaigning. What will be interesting is the RNC convention. The GOP may not survive that battle.

The GOP may not survive the primaries, thanks to Donald.


I’m suggesting that Hillary might well be indicted by Obama’s Justice Department should the FBI recommend such and public opinion demands it.

Are you now suggesting that somebody needs to be a President to be pardoned by a President?:dunno::cof1:

I was showing that you were attempting to correlate the two and that they are separate. :D
Joe Biden has joined Hillary and the Democrat’s crucifixion of the old New York jew Bernie Sanders. Biden belittling Bernie’s socialism as though the Democrat Party was something besides socialist progressive.

Here’s the game plan folks in my opinion. If the Obama Justice Department is recommended by the FBI to indict Hillary and there’s a popular demand for her to drop out of the Presidential race, Old Joe Biden is preparing to jump in and take Hillary’s place. Obama’s emergency plan to keep Hillary quiet about everything she knows about the corruption in the Obama administration he’ll pardon Hillary either immediately, or when he leaves office, depending when the lid gets blown off of the Hillary e-mail crime.

If Trump becomes the Republican’s nominee, and Biden is the Democrat’s nominee, the national Presidential debates will be a world class hoot. Biden has a piggy bank full of insults he’ll surely match Trump with and the side show should be front page stuff wherever you’re at.

Hey! Maybe they’ll duel with pistols like Burr and Hamilton, huh?
I don't know what you're smoking but I really want some of it. This is way better than kool-aid. :)
like you on the right wouldn't go full blown socialist hunting if bernie gets the nod.

You better hope its hill instead of Bernie

or Americans will learn the REAL defintion of democratic socialist
That would be every Democratic U.S. President from FDR to Carter who were social democrats. Bernie's nothing. Social Democrats have been around a long time in U.S. politics.