It doesn't get much better than Caracal kittens

Damo has said you can't see the thread ban, and it doesn't work, when you use Tapatalk. It's obvious he knows though. He takes those times to jump in, and be as big a douche as he can, from out of no where. Half the time, it isn't even political. I'd handle it by making Teflon not use Tapatalk here, since he obviously abuses it. It's not my forum though. Another problem is I've heard he's Grind's bud.

I actually don't know whether to be flattered, or creeped out that posters who know they are thread banned and know that I mostly ignore them, still open my threads, read them, attempt to respond to them, or copy/paste them and replicate them in secondary threads. I had no idea my writing and my threads were that interesting to mind numbingly boring sociopathic posters!
Or, you could always adopt a stray or a shelter cat.
My step mother loves Russian Blues, and she pays breeders to be able to have them.
She also loves all cats.
She gave me a lot of money what I was a broke college student to help pay vet bills for my adopted shelter cat.
I would not be surprised if she regularly makes generous donations to the humane society and cat shelters.

People have their own reasons, and their own ways of befriending and supporting our feline neighbors of the world.

On another tangent, here is a documentary film about the stray cats of Istanbul and their relationships with people.
Prince was show quality except for a small white spot on his belly. He was a nuetered $1,000 and worth every cent if it. He was so smart and his leap was unbelievable. He played fetch. He would bat down decoration he didn’t like or liked. A group of straw angels, he always picked on, a set of stuffed pumpkins, one he loved, played fetch with it. He would get outside, kids not paying attention, he was fast; he would always bring his kill home and drop it at the door for me. He played hide and seek with me. He was lovable, too. I miss him.

:( He sounds so smart and lovable, no wonder you still miss him. :hug: