It got quiet quick...

I'm on drugs. I'm phasing in & out at this point.

I think Darla is at a meeting. Dixie probably can't post because his vision is clouded by tears of joy about a candidate that he said was too inexperienced & wondered "what the hell McCain was thinking" in choosing her just a week ago...
I had to go to a meeting, but I got a bagel out of it. I'm really hungry too.

Yeah one of the few disadvantages of working from home. Meeting snacks.
And definately no good bagel shops in the sticks of KY.
Jew boy doughnuts.
Does your life include watching GTLS????

Part of it, I have to see the ticker everyday when I boot up the company intranet. You see the price fall again? lol

This one doesn't make much sense, the last fall was typical though. Still saying $60 by end of year ;)
Part of it, I have to see the ticker everyday when I boot up the company intranet. You see the price fall again? lol

This one doesn't make much sense, the last fall was typical though. Still saying $60 by end of year ;)

It makes sense from a technical level. As I mentioned the last time we talked about it... it broke a double bottom. It had a dead cat bounce back up to the $50 range, but the technicals were still broken and down it went. Current tech target is about $26-27.

Fundamentally, I would agree with you, it should be back up to $60 within the next six months or so. (not sure if it will make it by years end)
LOl. And you definitely should, I've got the creds...I once attended a Star Trek convention.
I've never been to a Star Trek convention. Lots of gun shows though, but no Trekkie stuff. I played all of ONE D&D game, boring as hell.
Did you dress up like Uhura? Yowza!

I attended a party, a whole convention, Yowa! is about nerd alert and I know that isn't nice, but come on, they are and that isn't a bad thing!