It is going to get bad....

They’ve all been waiting for an excuse. Now they have it. I’m terrified for every person that’s ever said anything bad about Trump.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"


It won't be bloodless asshole, better buckle up!
Roberts comments underscore the threat of authoritarianism that is looming over the 2024 election, and immediately caught the attention of experts on fascist movements. Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a history professor at NYU, called out Roberts in a pair of posts on X, describing him as a “fascist” who was “celebrating” the newfound power of the president to “kill people and pay no penalty” while “feeling empowered by the ruling to threaten the American people.” Ben-Ghiat decoded “the left” as applying to “everyone who is not MAGA.”

The NYU professor, whose expertise is in Italian fascism, added that “Heritage does not have an in-house paramilitary” and that by “using ‘we,’ Roberts is suggesting that Heritage is aligned with armed entities that could be activated if there is resistance to their coup.” She called this a “classic intimidation tactic: submit or else.” Excerpt from Rolling Stone
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Essentially, we're seeing the chickens coming home to roost. Cheeto Jeezus has been stoking the fires of the moronic MAGA mooks and such with his inflammatory rhetoric for some time now (i.e., January 6th). He didn't think in a million years it would personally affect him. I wonder if he'll be a statesman or continue in his quasi-fascist propaganda. Yep, nearly killed by a weapon his minions and political compadres let back unto the retail market that has been used in numerous mass shootings since.

Now you have all the sycophantic simps chicken cluck about "slam dunk election" and "this means war". :rolleyes: The former is more wishful thinking, as it's the electoral college and NOT the popular vote that will make the next POTUS ... and Cheeto Jeezus has been bad mojo for the last round of congressional elections. Also, any damned fools here carrying on about "2nd civil war" should ask some of their compadres cooling their heels in jail over Jan. 6th how's that working out for them.

Ahh, interesting times!