It is that time of year again....

Yes, my wife has always wanted me to go grocery shopping with her for the last 30 years. I always try to find something else to do. When we moved out here (Dayton) she started coming home from the grocery store talking about a craft beer bar at Kroger. I believed not a word. Finally, I gave in and went shopping with her one day I could not think of an excuse quick enough. She took me directly to the bar to await her return. OMG, there was a beer bar in Kroger, full size beer, very good prices, no tipping...I regularly go shopping with my wife now days.

Yep, it's the latest thing. All of our local Giant Eagles have bars. Even the local Fishers Foods have bars in them. Most also have elaborate sit down eateries as well.

We don't have any Krogers in the area yet, I'm 3 hours North of you.
We're lucky enough to have several large supermarkets here in this small town. One of them still employs bag boys/girls. They are all special ppl.
You mean special people, like Grind, who have to eat pudding with a plastic spoon so they don't accidentally poke their own eyes out?
We're lucky enough to have several large supermarkets here in this small town. One of them still employs bag boys/girls. They are all special ppl.

We have an independent chain locally that still has them as well if you can call 5 stores a chain. It varies from store to store. The one near my house has mostly white employees and teen white boy baggers. The one closest to my work has mostly black employees and old black men as baggers. I've been in one of the others but it has been so long ago I don't recall. It is the one cars drive through the front of the store every couple years like clockwork as punishment for building right beside a retirement home.