It is time for the Christian church to respond to Christianist violence in America

You must be a KKK sympathizer.

Fuck off asshole, the KKK has its roots in YOUR party. The point is, just because someone claims the mantle of something, doesn't make it true. For instance, if you were to claim you were a patriot who loves America, that would be a lie. Similarly, white supremacists who claim to be Christians, obviously aren't. You'll find no justification for racism in the Bible, none.
Fuck off asshole, the KKK has its roots in YOUR party. The point is, just because someone claims the mantle of something, doesn't make it true. For instance, if you were to claim you were a patriot who loves America, that would be a lie. Similarly, white supremacists who claim to be Christians, obviously aren't. You'll find no justification for racism in the Bible, none.

I'm an independent voter, so I don't belong to a party. But maybe in the 19th century the KKK were Democrats, but today both the KKK and the White supremacist are Republicans, and that is Trump's power base; the GOP
Show specific examples of what you claim. White Supremacists are not Christian no matter what they say

Leave it to the cross conditioned way beyond therapy Christian Nation super egos supreme swastika up Uranus court Islamophobia; where one nation under God with equal justice under law federal perjury elicits suicidal Christiananality pedophilia patriot act homicidal sociopsychopathilogical Islamophobia national religion when it comes to thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballot arsonists of the master race.