APP - It looks like walls work

Bringing up unpleasant facts

I'm not sure why you are bring uip alt-right and WASP, except as an attempt to derail the debate. Remember, this is APP and that is not tolerated.

No one is saying a wall is, or has to be, perfect. We have a lot of it to build but we are also a well populated, wealthy country. You've admitted that they work to keep out undesirables, so it appears that we are in agreement.
I bring up the terms because they describe the defining characteristics of the nativist movement which is at the core of Trump's wall and immigration ideas. Alt-right is a term used by those who proudly describe themselves as subscribers (Breitbart News etc.) so can hardly be viewed as a term of abuse. Similarly, WASP (white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant) is a descriptor that has been used for a century by white, Anglo-Saxon Protestants themselves and carries no negative connotations.

Nativist is a technical term used in sociology to describe a current in American society and politics that goes back to the Know-Nothing Party and opposition to Irish immigration. You can find the word used widely and without shame. It is not possible to discuss Trump's political campaign against immigration without using terms that describe the composition of his followers. If you have a set of terms that you prefer to those I used in my post, please list them.

As for trying to derail the debate, nothing could be further from my intention. Walls keep things out. As I posted, experience on the border suggests that Trump's will will have only a slight effect on illegal immigration for three reasons:

1. Illegal Mexican immigration is declining sharply now
2. Most illegal immigrants come through areas that will not be walled off
3. The wall will not seal the border and there will ways around it
sure it can't stopped now any more than it could be stopped the last time it happened, 50k years ago, or all the other times before that......
The industrial processes (fossil fuels -> greenhouse gasses) which drive the man-made component of rising ocean temperatures can indeed be reduced and eliminated. That is what the Paris Agreement is all about. Over a hundred nations, including the USA, have subscribed to it for that reason.
I bring up the terms because they describe the defining characteristics of the nativist movement which is at the core of Trump's wall and immigration ideas. Alt-right is a term used by those who proudly describe themselves as subscribers (Breitbart News etc.) so can hardly be viewed as a term of abuse. Similarly, WASP (white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant) is a descriptor that has been used for a century by white, Anglo-Saxon Protestants themselves and carries no negative connotations.

Nativist is a technical term used in sociology to describe a current in American society and politics that goes back to the Know-Nothing Party and opposition to Irish immigration. You can find the word used widely and without shame. It is not possible to discuss Trump's political campaign against immigration without using terms that describe the composition of his followers. If you have a set of terms that you prefer to those I used in my post, please list them.

As for trying to derail the debate, nothing could be further from my intention. Walls keep things out. As I posted, experience on the border suggests that Trump's will will have only a slight effect on illegal immigration for three reasons:

1. Illegal Mexican immigration is declining sharply now
2. Most illegal immigrants come through areas that will not be walled off
3. The wall will not seal the border and there will ways around it

Your accusation of Bannon being with the alt-right, hence the "core" of President Trump's policies, is undoubtedly founded on CNN's Don Lemon unsubstantiated smear; fake news:

Instead of relying on claims from his enemies attempting to further their own narratives, I prefer to rely on what Bannon actually stated about the alt-right six weeks prior to the start of Trumps presidency.
He dismissed the far right as irrelevant and sidestepped his own role in cultivating it: “Ethno-nationalism—it's losers. It's a fringe element. I think the media plays it up too much, and we gotta help crush it, you know, uh, help crush it more.”

That's all I'm going to say about that subject, so please stop trying to derail this thread with it.

Regarding your repeated claim that the wall wouldn't work, you've already admitted that it "...would prevent entry by those who have no other means of crossing the border." Your numbered points simply defy reason and historical precedence, so again, it is up to you to provide evidence to substantiate your claim, not mine to refute it.
The industrial processes (fossil fuels -> greenhouse gasses) which drive the man-made component of rising ocean temperatures can indeed be reduced and eliminated. That is what the Paris Agreement is all about. Over a hundred nations, including the USA, have subscribed to it for that reason.

why waste the time.....they didn't cause global warming this time any more than they did 50,000 years ago........we can't help it if a hundred nations are fucking idiots.....