It means nothing': Trump’s pledge to aid tenants won’t halt evictions

Trumps executive order is no different than an EO declaring that today is national hot dog day. It has no impact, other than a forbearance on student loans. Other than that, it will have zero impact. You will not see more in your paycheck, because employers are not going to change their withholding. No money will got the unemployed because it has to be administered by states that have no ability to do so. No evictions will be stopped, because there is no force behind the order. It was a cheap sideshow stunt that only the Trumptards fell for.

and democrats bailed because trump wouldn't agree to make voting less secure in the bill.
Trump's executive order wouldn't do much to immediately help the 20 million or so Americans who face losing their homes in the next few months.

Trump signed an executive order Saturday to shield tenants from the threat of eviction, he said it would “solve that problem largely, hopefully completely.”

Yet not only would his action fail to halt evictions, it wouldn't do much of anything to immediately help the 20 million or so Americans who face the loss of their homes in the next few months amid the coronavirus crisis.

Sad. OTOH, most of Trump's contracted employees and workers have known Trump's word was never worth more than a bucket of warm spit.