It rained so much in Australia that sea level dropped

dude read the OP post about the event

Are you suggesting climate change is responsible for what the article ascribes to three atmospheric patterns colliding?

Because this is not evidence of global warming. It was a temporary alignment of some well known oscillations in the oceans of the world. The cause of these oscillations is not global warming. They are studied so we can remove their signal from the climate record. You are the king of conflating every topic with global warming. Your kneejerk post about global warming ruined what could have been an interesting thread about the massive volume of water that can be temporarily removed from our system and what kind of precision adjustments to our proxy measurements may be required with respect to sea level measurements from pre-instrumental eras.

The initial effects of La Niña were to cool surface waters in the eastern Pacific Ocean and push moisture to the west. A climate pattern known as the Southern Annular Mode then coaxed the moisture into Australia’s interior, causing widespread flooding across the continent. Later in the event, high levels of moisture from the Indian Ocean driven by the Indian Ocean Dipole collided with La Niña-borne moisture in the Pacific and pushed even more moisture into the continent’s interior. Together, these influences spurred one of the wettest periods in Australia’s recorded history.


Since 2011, when the atmospheric patterns shifted out of their unusual combination, sea levels have been rising at a faster pace of about 10 millimeters (0.4 inches) per year.

Scientists are uncertain how often the three atmospheric events come together to cause such heavy rains over Australia. Fasullo believes there may have been a similar event in 1973-74, which was another time of record flooding in that continent. But modern observing instruments did not exist then, making it impossible to determine what took place in the atmosphere and whether it affected sea level rise.

“Luckily, we’ve got great observations now,” Fasullo says. “We need to maintain these observing platforms to understand what is a complicated climate system.”

Blaming global warming is the simplistic notion the scientist is alluding to by saying we need to better understand the complicated system
It must be so easy to be a warmer. Just like it was easy for people to believe Y2K was a threat

Y2K WAS a threat. But we identified it in plenty of time; we didn't deny the problem; we put lots of people to work on the problem; we fixed the problem before it could hurt us.

Too bad we didn't start addressing climate change in the mid-70s...
Y2K WAS a threat. But we identified it in plenty of time; we didn't deny the problem; we put lots of people to work on the problem; we fixed the problem before it could hurt us.

Too bad we didn't start addressing climate change in the mid-70s...

You are such a gullible idiot. You live in fear of scams but real threats like muslims and roaming bands of teenage Trayvonite niggers you ignore
