It really is enjoyable watching the right collapse into total nonsense.

Absolutely fantastic, one single voter, who would have had zero effect on right wing voter ID laws. Keep up the excellent work, I am proud of you.

your absolute was comically sophomoric, and when I pointed it out, your oversized ego prevented you from doing anything except digging in.

you asked for a link to prove illegal voters are not unicorns. You got one. you lose.
not enough proof for you?

how about a conviction?

That is an illegal voter. You are wrong. admit you are wrong, I provided links you asked for.

The real evidence can be found in the state of Mexifornia alone. This state spends 1/3 of all the welfare paid out per year of the entire US population of over 300 million. Yet the statistical fact remains....Mexifornia's population represents only 1/8 of the nation. Where the hell is all that unaccounted for money going? Its going to provide protection for the illegals in this sanctuary STATE. Is it any wonder the state of Mexifornia voted overwhelmingly for Clinton/Obama and their welfare queen policies? Its a most difficult thing to control who votes when you don't even have to provide ID to prove you have the right to drive on our highways, collect welfare (monies collected from every working US citizens).

Look at these documented facts in "California". Illegals (my bad......UNDOCUMENTED RESIDENTS of the STATE of CALIFORNIA), as of Jan. 1st 2015, who reside in California but cannot "establish" legal residence in the United States of America, "MAY APPLY FOR A STATE DRIVERS LICENSE." California AB (Assembly Bill) no. 60.

Then we find out this fact. As of 2015. "ANYONE" who has a California drivers license or a state ID card (regardless of legal residence) is automatically registered to VOTE.....this act is called the "THE NEW MOTOR VOTER ACT''.

No of course there is no evidence of "ILLEGAL VOTING" by undocumented workers going on (wink wink). ;)

Which begs to ask the real question (as California is the 2nd state to allow illegals a back door passage into the voting both.....the State of Brokeback Oregon was the first)…...Did Hillary really win the popular vote among US CITIZENS?
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Or we recognize that cultist like you who will never acknowledge Hillary is less than Jesus Returned are a waste of time to present facts to because facts are irrelevant to their compulsive defense of the indefensible.
Back up your bullshit , she is as big a liar as just about all politicians and has about the same record considering how long she has been in government , Your piece of shit is the biggest liar ever to sit in any political position, he is a sub human pile of shit. With you and you leader President Donny boy the Abortionist you make up this countries biggest threat and enemy.
Yep.....collapsing....that must explain the number of blacks walking away from the demonrat party and why Mr. Trump's number just keep climbing. Enlighten everyone.....what is the message the left is running on, what are they going to do for THE PEOPLE.....who is the leader of the party? 10Seconds....GO. (sarcasm is a bitch)…..
The only blacks walking away from the democrats are all uncle toms and even other blacks don't like them. The only message we need to get elected is what a pile of shit scum bag the sub human is and how you idiots gave us this countries biggest threat and enemy of this country as a leader. I think that will work out just dandy.
The only blacks walking away from the democrats are all uncle toms and even other blacks don't like them. The only message we need to get elected is what a pile of shit scum bag the sub human is and how you idiots gave us this countries biggest threat and enemy of this country as a leader. I think that will work out just dandy.

Yep....nothint fascist or totalitarian going on here folks. No one is calling another HUMAN BEING an "uncle tom".....racist and bigoted actions. Nothing to see here folks, this leftist is an example of the left wing TOLERANCE and how they protect HUMAN RIGHTS. :innocent: Time to, I GUESS.

Reality: Whenever faced with the documented, repeatable, facts in evidence. Its time to grind and gnash teeth and fire a few volley's from the Good Ship AD HOMEINEM BULLSHIT.

You know you have won the argument when this final buzzer sounds. Its music to my listen, watch and be entertained when some leftist allows his/her own words to paint them into a corner. Its like watching TAZ come out spinning and swearing. Priceless. Popcorn anyone? :clink:

Conclusion: When you come to engage in a battle of wits, its best not to come with an empty chamber.
As their leader the pussy grabber becomes more and more of what the left always knew he was, nothing but a piece of shit that has become this countries biggest threat, by the time the investigation is done he will be declared the biggest criminal in the 21st century and his supporters will be christened as sell outs to this country.

I'm absolutely sure that that's true. But then something has to be done about it.
Oh bullshit. You know damn well there were. But all fraud and illegal votes still couldn't win it for Hillary.
I know of one in the whole country , voted twice for scum bag. No other ones I know about , other then in the land of make believe that the Pumpkin man and his little people that follow him live in. You know whats really funny is these comedians claim millions but can't come up with one and evidence to go with it. How stupid do people have to be to build their world on such lies. WE know that all ready though, these poor suckers think that their pile of shit leader doesn't lie.