Aristotle taught us that man is a political animal. Smith taught us that everything is politics.
I don't care what dead people said. You are on tap to explain the politics in E = m x c^2. Do you wish to retract your statement?
Politics is an inescapable fact of the human condition.
Whatever the fuck that means. The Stefan-Boltzmann law is an integral part of the human condition; what are the politics in RADIANCE = SB_CONST * EMISSIVITY * TEMPERATURE^4
Now you have two questions outstanding.
There is politics in family, at work, at school, blah, blah, blah.
Humans use a lot of math in their condition. What are the politics in the Pythagorean Theorem? (A^2 + B^2 = C^2)
Perhaps you can help me out with this one: What are the politics involved in the thermocline. For the life of me I can't recall what my position is, or should be.
Btw, when I say “politics,” I mean politics in the general sense.
I have no idea what you mean. Are you referring to politics that don't involve any specific politics?
There's only so much money to go around for scientific research.
There's no such thing as scientific research. There is only research. I'm getting the strong impression that you don't know what science is. You don't know what science is if you think that research is science, or if you think that data is science, or if you think that a study is science, or a report, or a consensus, or an organization, e.g. NASA, or people, or a community, or an institution, or a university, or a book.
Do you believe that there is science beyond mere religious dogma supporting
Global Warming or
Climate Change? I'm now very curious.
Grant writers play politics when they convince the people with money why their particular area of research is worth funding.
I am intimately familiar with this. The current scam is quantum computing. The previous champion in this category was the
Global Warming /
Climate Change hoax. None of this has anything to do with science and everything to do with researchers, having no other way to feed their families, turn to the research scam for a paycheck.
Another example: Have you ever wondered how the seemingly unqualified people at work get promoted easily? It's because the politic their way up by knowing the right people and saying the right things.
I totally concur. Politics is huge with people. There are no politics in science or math; you just aren't all that familiar with that subject matter.