It was great to see the majority of the American electorate realize that we needed...



Because, you fucking moron, of posts like the OP, where that idiot claims the majority of Americans put Trump in office. They didn't. The majority of Americans voted for Clinton.

In this country, we elect our President INDIRECTLY. So don't try that horseshit, as the first guy did, that the majority spoke.

And, BTW dipshit, I implied nothing. My post was straightforward and clear.

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And the right is in denial that our legally elected President does not have the support of the majority of Americans.

Dear moron on steroids; you lost. You lost the White House, the Congress, the ability to stack the SCOTUS with leftist twits and only cling to five state houses. Get over it; you lost and you're asinine predictions of a Hillary landslide were just as moronic.

Only a compete and utter moron thinks that Republicans weren't handed a mandate and that the popular vote has any meaning in our Constitutional Republic.

But hey, if it gives you morons a warm feeling; keep bloviating it. :rofl2:
Well it may have to do with the undemocratic nature of the electoral college.

Only an ignorant dolt on steroids can make such a claim. But then, you were indoctrinated by our leftist leaning public educational establishment so it stands to reason that you are incapable of comprehending how truly democratic the electoral college is and how brilliant our founders were.

If the foot was on the other shoe the right would probably bring this country down in flames then except a legaly elected Democrat who won the electoral college but lost the popular vote.

The saying is "shoe on the other foot" dimwitted wonder boy. And if it were on the other foot, idiots like you would be screaming if Republicans acted like Liberals trying to claim that the President elect is illegitimate and demanding recounts.

You're too stupid to comprehend the incredible irony of your whiney bloviating.
Some halfwits must manage a lot of groans! Is there anyone who hasn't got this weirdo on Ignore?
Some halfwits must manage a lot of groans! Is there anyone who hasn't got this weirdo on Ignore?

That was meant to follow six messages reading ' This message is hidden because Truth Detector is on your ignore list. I wish I could correct posts on here.
I broke none of these rules here liar

Thread: Rules of the Board!
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07-22-2006,*04:38 PM
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Rules of the Board!
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107

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