its a good america


when you can toruture animals and kill them in sick dispicable ways then not have to pay bond.

Never mind ya live in Conn...sorry but Nevada where I live and to be exact the county I live in(Storey) ...prosecuted a Marine and a couple of his friends who thought it was funny to shoot Wild was on National news awhile back...nice try!
when you can toruture animals and kill them in sick dispicable ways then not have to pay bond.
Do you have proof he killed and tortured animals?????--- I didn't think so. Perhaps he was responsible. but we don't know yet, do we??? I think I would preferr to have him tried before he is convicted.

(course I suppose this post will prompt certain posters to insist that I an protecting perverts.)---Oh Well.
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eye witness dumbfuck

The indictment alleges the fights offered purses as high as $26,000, and that Vick once paid $23,000 to the owner of two pit bulls that had beaten Bad Newz Kennels dogs.

That owner is one of four cooperating witnesses cited in the document.


Do you have proof he killed and tortured animals?????--- I didn't think so. Perhaps he was responsible. but we don't know yet, do we??? I think I would preferr to have him tried before he is convicted.

(course I suppose this post will prompt certain posters to insist that I an protecting perverts.)---Oh Well.

ya are trying to stay acceptable in this board...cnn booted ya for your nonsense..ya burn the candle at both ends..a no-no in any circle...carry on donny boy..I am getting hungry like beefy..and tv sounds pretty good about now...ya bore the shit outta me...but cippie and maybe darla will play with you..night-night..donny boy!
eye witness dumbfuck

The indictment alleges the fights offered purses as high as $26,000, and that Vick once paid $23,000 to the owner of two pit bulls that had beaten Bad Newz Kennels dogs.

That owner is one of four cooperating witnesses cited in the document.


Yeah and bush had eyewitnesses on WMD's too.
No One lies ?
I will wait for the judgement.

Of course if Rob gets caught DWI the eyewitnesses will be liars ;)
eye witness dumbfuck

The indictment alleges the fights offered purses as high as $26,000, and that Vick once paid $23,000 to the owner of two pit bulls that had beaten Bad Newz Kennels dogs.

That owner is one of four cooperating witnesses cited in the document.

Note the word "ALLEGES" Thus you OWN absolutely nothing. How old are you anyway??? and I am not a dumbfuck, whatever that is. Interesting how you use all the inappropriate buzz words.
ya are trying to stay acceptable in this board...cnn booted ya for your nonsense..ya burn the candle at both ends..a no-no in any circle...carry on donny boy..I am getting hungry like beefy..and tv sounds pretty good about now...ya bore the shit outta me...but cippie and maybe darla will play with you..night-night..donny boy!
You have strange erroneous information. First, I have had no indication that I have worn out my welcome here. perhaps you would like it to be otherwise, but---- I was indeed a mainstay of CNN, many years ago when their discussion channels went defunct. But that is anout ten years ago I think. CNN didn't bOOt me. it must have been three other people.

Once more I will state that you have strange way of showing you are bored ---what with having started four separate threads in my honor (maybe horror)