its a good america

Is it just me...

You have strange erroneous information. First, I have had no indication that I have worn out my welcome here. perhaps you would like it to be otherwise, but---- I was indeed a mainstay of CNN, many years ago when their discussion channels went defunct. But that is anout ten years ago I think. CNN didn't bOOt me. it must have been three other people.
Once more I will state that you have strange way of showing you are bored ---what with having started four separate threads in my honor (maybe horror)

or is it that donny is just out of touch with reality? Never mind the libs will defend him to the death...thats cool like cnn/you tube idiots who think anyone with a lick of sense would take the debates serious! I must laugh while I sleep tonight..maybe the aliens will abduct me and I will have a cool story for cnn et al to run with..naw I am sleepy and just want to sleep..amazing no?
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Yeah and bush had eyewitnesses on WMD's too.
No One lies ?
I will wait for the judgement.

Of course if Rob gets caught DWI the eyewitnesses will be liars ;)

Yeah, its pretty amazing. The dogs they took away from the property weren't actually there. They were fake blow up dogs. Just like Bush had fake blow up WMD's. It's so much fun to mention Bush in topic's that have nothing to do with him. It makes me so smart and feel special.

Vick could use your help in court my friend. Testify on his behalf and say they are fake dogs with fake injuries. Better yet say they were planted. Vick will take care you (wink, wink).
or is it that donny is just out of touch with reality? Never mind the libs will defend him to the death...thats cool like cnn/you tube idiots who think anyone with a lick of sense would take the debates serious! I must laugh while I sleep tonight..maybe the aliens will abduct me and I will have a cool story for cnn et al to run with..naw I am sleepy and just want to sleep..amazing no?

This is already the funniest post of the day. BB claiming that someone else is out of touch with reality!
eye witness dumbfuck

The indictment alleges the fights offered purses as high as $26,000, and that Vick once paid $23,000 to the owner of two pit bulls that had beaten Bad Newz Kennels dogs.

That owner is one of four cooperating witnesses cited in the document.


The feds could indict a chicken sandwich and coerce about anyone to say what they want them to say, ESPECIALLY if they themselves are facing charges.

According to you, a trial isn't neccesary. After all, there's an indictment, which you appear to believe is the same thing as a guilty verdict.

The case against Vick hangs on the testimony of the 4 "eyewitnesses" you sopke of. All 4 have been themselves heavily involved in dogfighting.

The most "compelling" testimony against Vick is that of one of the serial dogfighters who said he won $26,000 from Vick and witnessed him shelling out the dough. But he said he arraigned the fight with someone else and never spoke to Vick. I wonder what Vick's lawyer's will find out about the character of this witness and the other 3 under examination?

How about this "damning" evidence .. "“In or about 2003-2006, Vick was personally consulted and gave permission for a dog to be executed by hanging,” .. WOW, that's specific.

The entire case against Vick is based on the testimony of 4 people of questionable character .. and I wonder how many are "testifying" to escape criminal charges themselves?

Four cooperating witnesses are mentioned in the indictment, none of whom are identified "I was surprised by the number of confidential witnesses," says William Frick, an attorney in South Carolina who in 2004 successfully prosecuted David Ray Tant, at the time considered the No. 2 dogfighter in the United States. "In drug cases, people talk all the time. But in dogfighting cases people don't talk unless you've got them over a barrel. You can have the dogs and all the equipment, but a guy can say he is just a breeder. Getting that witness is key."

I wonder what that "barrel" is.

Let me guess .. you thought, as I did, that those involved in the Duke rape case deserved their day in court before being convicted by an uniformed public opinion?
Yeah, its pretty amazing. The dogs they took away from the property weren't actually there. They were fake blow up dogs. Just like Bush had fake blow up WMD's. It's so much fun to mention Bush in topic's that have nothing to do with him. It makes me so smart and feel special.

Vick could use your help in court my friend. Testify on his behalf and say they are fake dogs with fake injuries. Better yet say they were planted. Vick will take care you (wink, wink).
There you go again trying to expand into the ethersphere on what I said....