Its about time for OBL's Republican support commercial.


Well-known member
Remember last election, just days out when OBL, VIA al Jazerra supported Bush's fear campaign by comming out with threats...

Well... its about that time aint it? I bet Bush is preying for a new OBL tape every night before he goes to sleep.
If they really supported the Rs they would lessen attacks in election months to almost nil to give the appearance of success.
Good point Damo. somehow I don't think OBL /AQ supports Bush, although bush has inadvertantly been their biggest supporter.
If they really supported the Rs they would lessen attacks in election months to almost nil to give the appearance of success.

Other than Iraq (not under control of Al Queda) where have you seen attacks? Almost everyone in the intelegence community belives that OBL statement released just prior to the last election was an attempt to promote Bush's election.
Other than Iraq (not under control of Al Queda) where have you seen attacks? Almost everyone in the intelegence community belives that OBL statement released just prior to the last election was an attempt to promote Bush's election.
Whatever... I think this is just spin... It could be construed in either direction. However, if terrorists did support one or the other you would see it in more than just silly tapes made by OBL.

Attacks would lessen in Iraq to give appearance of success. Unless the Ds are suddenly going back on the position that Iraq is the training ground for terrorists...

It is unrealistic to say that terrorists want Bush to win when such activity increases just before an election. If they are working to change the election, it isn't in favor of Bush.
I think Al Queda wants Bush and the Republicans to win, its the fight they have been spoiling for for 20 years.

They dont want it so bad they will give up on the over all goal of causing havoc... plus a terrorist attack that really hits home would greatly help Bush.

I dont buy into the hype that Al Queda is behind 95% of whats happening in Iraq.
The reaction to the war in Iraq is just edging into a turning point.
Most think it has been going badly, but the dem candidates that are doing the best against their repub opponents are the ones not taking a stand on a firm withdrawl schedule. That tells me that the general public is still teetering on the top of the fence about withdrawl from Iraq, but agree Bush's methods are not working.
I think Al Queda wants Bush and the Republicans to win, its the fight they have been spoiling for for 20 years.

They dont want it so bad they will give up on the over all goal of causing havoc... plus a terrorist attack that really hits home would greatly help Bush.

I dont buy into the hype that Al Queda is behind 95% of whats happening in Iraq.
I believe that many a fatwah could be written, and that the groups work together toward a common goal.

I think it is disingenuous to say that they promote Bush over the Ds, they simply promote themselves. If getting us out of Iraq is a goal, then increasing attacks in October before an election will help them if it gets Ds elected who are promoting leaving Iraq....

Honestly. I don't think they are working to change the election at all at this point. Ramadan always has an increase in sectarian violence in Iraq.
I dont buy into the hype that Al Queda is behind 95% of whats happening in Iraq

Oh they are behind it all for sure, they also poisioned our spinach and eggsalad too!!!
"We want people to think 'terrorism' for the last four days," said a Bush-Cheney campaign official. "And anything that raises the issue in people's minds is good for us."

A senior GOP strategist added, "anything that makes people nervous about their personal safety helps Bush."

He called it "a little gift," saying it helps the President but doesn't guarantee his reelection.

Bush campaign official re the November 1, 2004 OBL tape.
November 3, 2004
I believe that many a fatwah could be written, and that the groups work together toward a common goal.

I think it is disingenuous to say that they promote Bush over the Ds, they simply promote themselves. If getting us out of Iraq is a goal, then increasing attacks in October before an election will help them if it gets Ds elected who are promoting leaving Iraq....

Honestly. I don't think they are working to change the election at all at this point. Ramadan always has an increase in sectarian violence in Iraq.

They dont want us out of Iraq... Are you stupid... They want us to keep fighting in Iraq, its the greatest thing to ever happen to Al Queda recruitment! OBL wanted this fight in Iraq more than anything! Dont look at what they say, look at what they do!
*sigh* Forget it.

Once again, because an action helps one side or the other doesn't mean that they are working towards that. It is contradictory to increase violence in one area while "helping" them in another. It is disingenuous to suggest that they are in cahoots in some way. They promote their own agenda and attempting to spin it to change my vote is just partisan hackery.
They dont want us out of Iraq... Are you stupid... They want us to keep fighting in Iraq, its the greatest thing to ever happen to Al Queda recruitment! OBL wanted this fight in Iraq more than anything! Dont look at what they say, look at what they do!
I do. Increasing violence just before an election is not a sign of R support. It is silly to suggest that it is.
I think they love whats going on in Iraq. You take a relativly stable sectarian governmetn, topple it and send it into chaos and blame America and Al Queda has exactly what it wants!
I dont believe the insurgency in Iraq cares who wins this comming election. I think OBL would perfer the conservatives win.
According to Suskind's book, CIA analysts had spent years "parsing each expressed word of the al-Qaeda leader and his deputy, [Ayman] Zawahiri. What they'd learned over nearly a decade is that bin-Laden speaks only for strategic reasons. …

"Their [the CIA's] assessments, at day's end, are a distillate of the kind of secret, internal conversations that the American public [was] not sanctioned to hear: strategic analysis. Today's conclusion: bin-Laden's message was clearly designed to assist the President's reelection. "At the five o'clock meeting, [deputy CIA director] John McLaughlin opened the issue with the consensus view: 'Bin-Laden certainly did a nice favor today for the President.'"

McLaughlin's comment drew nods from CIA officers at the table. Jami Miscik, CIA deputy associate director for intelligence, suggested that the al-Qaeda founder may have come to Bush's aid because bin-Laden felt threatened by the rise in Iraq of Jordanian terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi; bin-Laden might have thought his leadership would be diminished if Bush lost the White House and their "eye-to-eye struggle" ended.

....the CIA analysts also felt that bin-Laden might have recognized how Bush's policies – including the Guantanamo prison camp, the Abu Ghraib scandal and the endless bloodshed in Iraq – were serving al-Qaeda's strategic goals for recruiting a new generation of jihadists...... .....One immediate consequence of bin-Laden breaking nearly a year of silence to issue the videotape the weekend before the U.S. presidential election was to give the Bush campaign a much needed boost. From a virtual dead heat, Bush opened up a six-point lead, according to one poll........