It's All Over But the GOP Whining



And here's a thread where nobody is banned so everybody can take a few whacks at the rabid righties. "I luv America" doesn't want to take his licking and so has insulated himself on his thread.

Notice too that Cruz has been completely eliminated from the picture. The GOP has decided to take back control of their failing party from the baggers before it's too late.

Ted Cruz for presnit! What a sad fucking joke when he's gone down in flames before he even started.

Congratulations America, Obamacare is definitely here to stay. Now you're going to be commies just like us Canadians. You can quit your jobs, the gove is there to prop ya'all up!

And here's a thread where nobody is banned so everybody can take a few whacks at the rabid righties. "I luv America" doesn't want to take his licking and so has insulated himself on his thread.

Notice too that Cruz has been completely eliminated from the picture. The GOP has decided to take back control of their failing party from the baggers before it's too late.

Ted Cruz for presnit! What a sad fucking joke when he's gone down in flames before he even started.

Congratulations America, Obamacare is definitely here to stay. Now you're going to be commies just like us Canadians. You can quit your jobs, the gove is there to prop ya'all up!

What a shame!

Not a ONE of the Conservatives here want to discuss this story.

I guess they just can't bring themselves to admit the truth.

Obstructionist Congressional Republicans FAILED!
I have already discussed. They were winning and they caved. Obama is getting his clocked cleaned. keep telling yourself that.

Let me know how it works out for ya!

Congressional Righties caved because Obama was getting his clock cleaned...ROTFLMAO!!

Congressional Righties caved because CONGRESSIONAL REPUBLICANS were getting their clocks cleaned.
if this is a cave in I expect Obama and Reid will be scrambling to accept it and proclaim victory, right?......oops..........
Anyone that believes the Right was winning at any point of this shutdown is in denial. They started losing the minute Ted Cruz started his ridiculous worthless senate oratory.
After the poll numbers I saw this morning, I am not surprised at all.

They are desperate.

Are the righties going to claim that Breitbart is not a legit source?
The R's have had their peepees slapped and they've learned they don't mess with a black president. Now all they have left is to get out their guns. Let's hope all the resident ones on this forum do just that!
Looks like the liberal ejaculations were premature.

White House rejects Republican proposal:

Briefing reporters after financial markets closed for the week, White House spokesman Jay Carney said the president would not agree to tie budget negotiations to a six-week debt-limit extension.

I have already discussed. They were winning and they caved. Obama is getting his clocked cleaned.

You're confused! The Capital's famous clock, the Ohio Clock that has stood watch over the Senate for 196 years, fell victim to the government shutdown.
The GOP sure cleaned the clock, didn't they?
Zapp.....what was it you were saying about obstructionists?......they handed Obama this were ready to dance in the streets, but Obama has said no.......
After the poll numbers I saw this morning, I am not surprised at all.

They are desperate.

Are the righties going to claim that Breitbart is not a legit source?

It was a bogus poll. I proved that.

The GOP leadership is feckless.

Cruz is the man. Anyone who says otherwise is a hateful anti Hispanic racist
Looks like the liberal ejaculations were premature.

White House rejects Republican proposal:

Briefing reporters after financial markets closed for the week, White House spokesman Jay Carney said the president would not agree to tie budget negotiations to a six-week debt-limit extension.



But have no fear. There will be no limit to Boners capitulation.

They will bend over further. When what they should do is call the big eared negroes bluff
I wonder how long the next Oklahoma bombing will take after the tea tards are put back in their place?