It's All Over But the GOP Whining

Zapp.....what was it you were saying about obstructionists?......they handed Obama this were ready to dance in the streets, but Obama has said no.......

Yeah, funny how obstructionist Righties only wanted a six week extension so they could come back and pull the same shitty stunt again.

Obama already told them once he wasn't going to negotiate while they held a government shutdown over the American people's heads.
Yeah, funny how obstructionist Righties only wanted a six week extension so they could come back and pull the same shitty stunt again.

Obama already told them once he wasn't going to negotiate while they held a government shutdown over the American people's heads.

uh, Zap....that's why they gave him the six weeks without a see if he would negotiate when they weren't......
74% of americans blame the gop for the shutdown now
