Racism Watchdog
I wouldn't want to have a bunch of people, who probably don't know the first thing about being Christian, trying to tell me what for. My eye's aren't made to roll that much.

I wouldn't want to have a bunch of people, who probably don't know the first thing about being Christian, trying to tell me what for. My eye's aren't made to roll that much.
an owl attacked me at dusk one time. I had to blow that thing down the creek.it kept standing up in defiance and I kept blowing it down the creek 18 inches at a time until it laid down.
I wouldn't want to have a bunch of people, who probably don't know the first thing about being Christian, trying to tell me what for. My eye's aren't made to roll that much.
What did you expect from liberal Democrats? They elected immoral people like Bill Clinton and John Edwards.
So what's your point?