It's bigger in Texas

It's actually really similar to something like what you'd see at a dog show. They look for certain colors, head size and shape, shoulders, legs, all that kind of stuff and it's usually for younger kids since goats are easier to handle.
I like goat. It's one of my wife's favorites. She makes a Asian style stew from goat that is to die for and I think braised goat shanks is just as good or better than braised lamb shanks. :)
I haven't seen a Goat show since I was in Ciudad Juarez back in '94 (insert Ed McMahon "Hi Yo!").....

Houston is not much on the eyes, but I have spent a lot of time in Texas for business, and I find it to be, by far, the best city in Texas. It is an unzoned, chaotic mess of ethnicities, wealth, filth, strip clubs, churches, houses, factories, preachers, hookers and pawn shops - all within the same 3 square miles. But the food is excellent, and it is deceivingly corporate, educated and wealthy in many parts. Probably America's "next" major city.

And they elected a total dyke for mayor, which must completely get the goat of most of the over-all wearing rubes in the surrounding counties.
LOL Sounds like the Houston I visited. :)

I much prefer Austin to Houston or Dallas. San Antonio is nice too though I've only been there once. It seemed a bit touristy but nice. Spent most of our time in the River Walk area. My wife is a manager for a hotel chain that has a unit on the Riverwalk, so we got to stay there for free. I couldn't live in Dallas or Houston but I could live in San Antonio or Austin.
Most people who live in Houston aren't from Houston
So they tend to be pretty nice
Good food but second rate compared to nawlins
But the so is everyone
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LOL Sounds like the Houston I visited. :)

I much prefer Austin to Houston or Dallas. San Antonio is nice too though I've only been there once. It seemed a bit touristy but nice. Spent most of our time in the River Walk area. My wife is a manager for a hotel chain that has a unit on the Riverwalk, so we got to stay there for free. I couldn't live in Dallas or Houston but I could live in San Antonio or Austin.

I agree - those are definitely "cuter" places and far, far better for a quick visit. Austin is cool, great nightlife, surprisingly attractive "nature" and outdoors, and is a college town without being dominated by a college town culture. San Antonio is a bit slow and poor, but who cares - it is actually quite pretty and a memorable visit as well. No tourist has any reason to visit Houston or Dallas.

I guess I am just a "major city" snob, and Austin is not really a major city. In some ways, Houston is like a squashed version of Hong Kong - same humid weather, same unorganized fascination, much larger and less dense footprint.

And to Dude's point, it is about the only place outside of Louisiana where one can get consistently get moderately good cajun/creole cuisine.
I'm glad you said moderately good, cause even then it's only remotely Cajun.
You have to be the best writer on this board