Outsourcing is not about increasing profits as much as decreasing cost. The two go hand in hand, but it is costs which keep increasing, not the need for greater profit. Wealthy owners already have wealth, why would they need more profit? The fact is, the cost of doing business is what continues to be a growing burden, and as it grows, it eats away at the profit margin, and the business owner is forced to find more cost-efficient means of production, which means, outsourcing.
Let's take something we can all relate to. A computer keyboard. You have on in front of you right now, and there is a 99% chance the keyboard you have, was made outside the USA. Go ahead and flip it over and look, see where it is made! Mine is made in China by Logitech, it cost about $24 at Walmart. I've had it for several years, not sure how many... it's been through two OS changes. In any event, it will eventually not function properly, and I will have the task of replacing it. I will likely buy another similar one, because this one has served me so well. When I do buy one, I will reasonably expect it to function and perform at least as well as this one has, and for about the same price, adjusted for inflation, etc.
IF we no longer allowed the sale of outsourced keyboards, and they had to be made in the USA, I could expect the same quality keyboard for about $200. Now, it may have more bells and whistles, and it may even look sleek and cool, or be bluetooth-enabled... but at the end of the day, as a consumer, it's 10x higher in price than what I am accustomed to. This also means, whenever I need to buy a keyboard, there is really going to be an actual NEED there, and it won't be simply a matter of getting bored or tired of the old one. Now, multiply this same example by the hundreds of thousands of products we have in our everyday lives, that we buy as consumers. If it all costs 10x as much, how much are employers going to have to pay us, to be able to live?
Now, why would a keyboard made in the USA cost $200 while a keyboard made in China costs $24? Well, cost of production is the main reason. Cost of regulatory compliance, mandates from the government on pay, holidays, family leave, insurance, etc. Things the Chinese don't have to worry with, along with the difference in labor costs. Here, we have manufacturing-sector unions who go on strike if they can't make $25 an hour.... There, they are fortunate to get 10 cents a day and a bowl of rice. Here, the employer has to give you so many weeks of family leave time, paid vacations and such... There, if you get sick and can't work, they shoot you. So there is a completely different level of productivity for the buck, and this is what mainly creates an outsourcing juggernaut.
The solutions are not simple, they require a level of sophisticated thinking the typical liberal does not possess, contrary to their own beliefs they are the 'smartest people in the world.' We have to begin by becoming more 'realistic' in terms of government mandates and restrictions, and labor union influence, and get back to the basics... and honest day's work for an honest day's pay. We have to start removing the yoke of endless liberal feel-good mandates and requirements on large manufacturers, and enable them to see an advantage in keeping production here. At the same time, we have to take a stronger political stance against China's human rights, which we should all be on board with anyway. The liberals want to go in another direction on these things, and it is the direction we have followed, as we've watched America go from being pioneers of the industrial age, to virtually NO manufacturing of anything. Why? Because business can't compete with China while paying thousands of workers to sit on a beach in the Bahamas 12 weeks a year.