So it just got here from the cosmos , all on it's own. OK
Copy & paste is a mystery to you?
So it just got here from the cosmos , all on it's own. OK
It's different when DEMOCRATS do it, I guess.
It does appear that way doesn’t it Comrade Legionovsky?
The point that should be taken from this thread is the endless non stop lies and distortions that the hate party needs to even debate anything. If it's the media then the media lies , if it is from any source on the internet , it's a lie by the left wing . IF you tell them any facts they don't like they never come back and support the opposite, they just call you a liar and the rest of the air heads just go along with all of this. They are built and operate on lies and without them in fact they couldn't and wouldn't exist.
The point that should be taken from this thread is the endless non stop lies and distortions that the hate party needs to even debate anything. If it's the media then the media lies , if it is from any source on the internet , it's a lie by the left wing . IF you tell them any facts they don't like they never come back and support the opposite, they just call you a liar and the rest of the air heads just go along with all of this. They are built and operate on lies and without them in fact they couldn't and wouldn't exist.
Its just so easy to turn your profound responses into blithering with just a few word. SO YOU SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!So you say.
Its just so easy to turn your profound responses into blithering with just a few word. SO YOU SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or think so!Think so?
You just have to laugh at the hate group, They going to tell us the sins of the media on not telling the truth with their leader, president Scum Bag unable to even recognize the truth nor can his brain dead followers.To the Editor: Re “After Outcry, Times Stands By New Editorial Board Member” (Business Day, Aug. 3): I am writing to express my shock and disappointment at The Times’s continued support of Sarah Jeong, hired as the lead technology writer for your editorial board. Her tweets, regardless of what prompted them, are racist, bigoted and disgusting.
I do not doubt that she has most likely endured trolling from some truly terrible people online, and I empathize with how frustrating that could be. However, by sinking to their level she has lost any moral high ground she could once claim, and, in my opinion, the line between “counter-trolling” and actual racist sentiments is so blurry it might as well be nonexistent.
By continuing to support Ms. Jeong, The Times has lowered its integrity and standards.
Back in May, The Times published a brilliant opinion piece by one of your contributing writers on Rosanne Barr, condemning the comedian after her own racist tweets. But what about the next time a famous conservative spews hatred online? Through Ms. Jeong’s continued employment, The Times has now lost significant credibility and any moral high ground to criticize or condemn such behavior.
Which is a real shame. In this age of a president who claims that any criticism is “fake news” or biased, the need for publications of the highest integrity to offer unbiased reporting, justified criticism and worthwhile opinions has never been higher.
Curtis Conroy
You just have to laugh at the hate group, They going to tell us the sins of the media on not telling the truth with their leader, president Scum Bag unable to even recognize the truth nor can his brain dead followers.
You just have to laugh at the hate group, They going to tell us the sins of the media on not telling the truth with their leader, president Scum Bag unable to even recognize the truth nor can his brain dead followers.Reading comprehension isn't your thing, is it?
Endless non stop stupid nonsense.
Endless non stop stupid nonsense.
Brain dead comes to mind. Funny
brain deadA powerful DEMOCRAT congresswoman refuses to fire an information technology aide after he's accused of stealing House computer equipment and potentially breaching security protocols. Six months later, the FBI arrests him as he's boarding a flight to Pakistan and charges him with bank fraud.
February: Capitol Police accuse five IT staffers of trying to steal House equipment and violating House security policies. They are shared employees who work for 30 or so members of Congress. Capitol Police ban the five from access to the House of Representatives network while it investigates. Investigators tell lawmakers that it's up to them to decide whether to fire the accused staffers.
Awan is one of those staffers accused. Most of the others are related to him, including his wife, Hina Alvi.
February–March: Politico follows up on the fate of the staffers and finds some DEMOCRAT lawmakers have kept them on the payroll, Wasserman Schultz included.
The IT staffers have worked for many of the offices for more than a decade, and some DEMOCRAT lawmakers said they were concerned these staffers may have been targeted because they are Muslim.
May: In a budget hearing for Capitol Police, Wasserman Schultz starts asking Capitol Police Chief Matthew R. Verderosa why they confiscated a laptop related to the case and how she can get it back. "If the equipment belongs to the member, it has been lost, they say it’s been lost and it’s been identified as that member’s, then the Capitol Police are supposed to return it." When the police chief says she can't have it back because there's an ongoing investigation related to it, she appears genuinely frustrated and says: “I think you're violating the rules when you conduct your business that way and you should expect that there will be consequences.”
She later told the Sun-Sentinel she was asking about Awan's laptop: “He accidentally left it somewhere.”
Week of July 24: Awan's legal troubles deepen. The FBI arrests him at a D.C.-area airport on his way to Pakistan.
Awan was arrested while attempting to board a flight after wiring $283,00 to Pakistan. His wife and their three children are already in Pakistan. An affidavit alleges they tried to trick their bank, the Congressional Federal Credit Union, into giving them a second mortgage for a rental property by claiming it was their primary residency.
The FBI accuses Awan of trying to flee the country. Immediately following the charges, Wasserman Schultz's office says Awan is fired.
The Washington Post broke the story of the ethics complaint.
Aug. 3: Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberly Strassel calls attention to the drama by pointing out how much money Awan and his relatives were making. “The government, under the inattentive care of DEMOCRATS, has been bilked for ages by a man the FBI has alleged to be a fraudster.” Awan, his wife and their relatives were each making roughly $150,000 in annual salary working for more than two dozen House DEMOCRATS. Politico calculated Awan had earned more than $2 million since he started working for House DEMOCRATS in 2004.
Aug. 3: Wasserman Schultz gives her first interview to the media. She tells the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel that she had initially only commented on the arrest via a spokesman since she had been on vacation. And she stands by her decision not to fire Awan after he was accused of stealing House equipment: “I believe that I did the right thing, and I would do it again,” she says.
Meanwhile, Awan faces the bank fraud charges.
Aug. 7: Wasserman Schultz's DEMOCRAT primary challenger, Tim Canova, accuses her of making “a lot of self-serving excuses for Awan.”