It's GOP/MAGA story time!

In this age of instant information that enables the average citizen to research any and everything said in public, it just fascinates me how Trump's Lies and Tucker Carlson's Lies get more fantastic & absurd with each waking day....and their supporters treat it like manna from heaven. :|

It’s a reaction to the truth having destroyed their world view. When facts prove you wrong, one can adapt or deny. They chose denial.
In this age of instant information that enables the average citizen to research any and everything said in public, it just fascinates me how Trump's Lies and Tucker Carlson's Lies get more fantastic & absurd with each waking day....and their supporters treat it like manna from heaven. :|

They want to believe it. That's the only explanation I can come up with. They suspect it's bullshit but it's better than the truth for them, so the MAGA's eat it up.
I loved Carlson's accidental slam at trump, when he was talking about about Ukraine and said:

[FONT=&]"The reason for not listening to Kellogg about aiding Ukraine would be “for the same reason that you wouldn’t, say, take financial advice from someone who had gone bankrupt or go to marriage counseling with some who’s been mmm ... divorced three times because they’ve demonstrably failed in their so-called area of expertise.” :D[/FONT]

It's the same hypocrisy the MAGA's have always had. They preach morality but elect a scumbag like trump and ignore all the boning of porn stars and playmates.
I specified Carlson, Trump and their supporters. Not all people who consider themselves Republicans or conservatives support them, don't cha know. Look it up for yourself regarding recent polling, the split in the party regarding using Trump support for upcoming elections.

And no, not all "leftists" speak the truth of the reasons why I'm a registered Independent voter.

Besides asll that, I see you didn't deny my pointing out the sheer idiocy that falls from the lips of the aforementioned duo.

I just posted the same thing, not as articulately as you .. but I'm keeping the post :)
They want to believe it. That's the only explanation I can come up with. They suspect it's bullshit but it's better than the truth for them, so the MAGA's eat it up.

They're like religious zealots & fanatics....reason, logic, facts for them is like sunlight to a vampire. You can't debate or argue with such a either ignore them, nullify them or accept living under their stupidity. The Taliban are a perfect example of the MAGA mindset.
How ironic. :rofl2:

your responses don't even make sense anymore, chuckles....unless the man in the mirror is telling you so.

You're done, chump. Back in the bin for a month with you....but we all know you'll hound my posts like a bitch in heat, seeking the last inane word and attention. Adios for now.