It's Just Wrong


Well-known member
Something that has really been bothering me lately ... in addition to the Democrat election fraud ... is Star Trek TNG episode 10 of season 3.

The Romulan warbird chases the Romulan scout ship through the Neutral Zone into Federation Space. Picard opens hailing frequencies and demands an explanation. The warbird cloaks/vanishes without responding.

... then Worf glances at his scanner and declares "The warbird has returned to the Neutral Zone."

The warbird had cloaked! Worf couldn't possibly have known where the warbird was or where it was going. Sheesh. It totally ruined the episode.

Then there was this election fraud to boot. Some people were asleep at the quality control wheel.
Something that has really been bothering me lately ... in addition to the Democrat election fraud ... is Star Trek TNG episode 10 of season 3.

The Romulan warbird chases the Romulan scout ship through the Neutral Zone into Federation Space. Picard opens hailing frequencies and demands an explanation. The warbird cloaks/vanishes without responding.

... then Worf glances at his scanner and declares "The warbird has returned to the Neutral Zone."

The warbird had cloaked! Worf couldn't possibly have known where the warbird was or where it was going. Sheesh. It totally ruined the episode.

Then there was this election fraud to boot. Some people were asleep at the quality control wheel.

They could detect warp tears cloaked or uncloaked, that was established in season 1.
Only with a tachion spread ... which they did not issue.

Besides, detecting is not tracking. It's as wrong as a Dominion voting machine.
Something that has really been bothering me lately ... in addition to the Democrat election fraud ... is Star Trek TNG episode 10 of season 3.

The Romulan warbird chases the Romulan scout ship through the Neutral Zone into Federation Space. Picard opens hailing frequencies and demands an explanation. The warbird cloaks/vanishes without responding.

... then Worf glances at his scanner and declares "The warbird has returned to the Neutral Zone."

The warbird had cloaked! Worf couldn't possibly have known where the warbird was or where it was going. Sheesh. It totally ruined the episode.

Then there was this election fraud to boot. Some people were asleep at the quality control wheel.

You only have to worry about how Worf knew where the cloaked warbird was located since AG Barr and none of the courts could find any Democratic election fraud. They did find one guy who voted for Trump for his dead mother.
You only have to worry about how Worf knew where the cloaked warbird was located since AG Barr and none of the courts could find any Democratic election fraud.
Your meltdown will be particularly delicious. I see that you are only allowed to "know" what the mainstream media tells you to believe. You aren't allowed to become aware of the overwhelming evidence in every State along with the 11,000+ sworn affidavits by eye-witnesses, but rather you are ordered to simply regurgitate that "there is no evidence" and "nobody can find any fraud."

Good. Very good. I hope you plan on streaming yourself when Trump swears in. It would be a tragic loss to the world if your implosion weren't captured.

I'm ready for the show. I hope you're ready too.

Something that has really been bothering me lately ... in addition to the Democrat election fraud ... is Star Trek TNG episode 10 of season 3.

The Romulan warbird chases the Romulan scout ship through the Neutral Zone into Federation Space. Picard opens hailing frequencies and demands an explanation. The warbird cloaks/vanishes without responding.

... then Worf glances at his scanner and declares "The warbird has returned to the Neutral Zone."

The warbird had cloaked! Worf couldn't possibly have known where the warbird was or where it was going. Sheesh. It totally ruined the episode.

Then there was this election fraud to boot. Some people were asleep at the quality control wheel.

It's appropriate that you and the rest of Red Team have been reduced to watching Star Trek reruns.
Your meltdown will be particularly delicious. I see that you are only allowed to "know" what the mainstream media tells you to believe. You aren't allowed to become aware of the overwhelming evidence in every State along with the 11,000+ sworn affidavits by eye-witnesses, but rather you are ordered to simply regurgitate that "there is no evidence" and "nobody can find any fraud."

Good. Very good. I hope you plan on streaming yourself when Trump swears in. It would be a tragic loss to the world if your implosion weren't captured.

I'm ready for the show. I hope you're ready too.

I'm ready, also. You seem to have been convinced by imaginary news. Could you provide us a link where you found "overwhelming evidence in every state" of such fraud?
It's appropriate that you and the rest of Red Team have been reduced to watching Star Trek reruns.
While there is nothing wrong with watching Star Trek reruns ... I wasn't watching a rerun. This is something that has been bothering me for some time and I wanted to get it off my chest.

You know, it felt good to do so.

p.s. - Is there a Red Team on this site? If so, how do I join? Do you even know what a Red Team is?

While there is nothing wrong with watching Star Trek reruns ... I wasn't watching a rerun. This is something that has been bothering me for some time and I wanted to get it off my chest.

You know, it felt good to do so.

p.s. - Is there a Red Team on this site? If so, how do I join? Do you even know what a Red Team is?

I think you are already a Red Team member in good standing. With each crazy post your rank increases.
Could you provide us a link where you found "overwhelming evidence in every state" of such fraud?

Are you kidding me? You want me to mar your perfect denial? Someone worked hard to totally brainfuuk you; why would I screw it up. I'm in it for the meltdown you are going to have, not to thwart the meltdown.

If you would like to prevent your own meltdown you can try answering the question: Which of the thousands of sworn eye-witness affidavits do you dispute, what specifically do you dispute and on what basis?

I think we can both agree that you will find your continued denial so much easier and so much more comfortable to maintain until you suddenly need to pull the plug.

Are you kidding me? You want me to mar your perfect denial? Someone worked hard to totally brainfuuk you; why would I screw it up. I'm in it for the meltdown you are going to have, not to thwart the meltdown.

If you would like to prevent your own meltdown you can try answering the question: Which of the thousands of sworn eye-witness affidavits do you dispute, what specifically do you dispute and on what basis?

I think we can both agree that you will find your continued denial so much easier and so much more comfortable to maintain until you suddenly need to pull the plug.

Easy. I dispute those affidavits (and Trump) that claimed there were more votes than registered voters in some areas because I checked that on state/county official election site.

And affidavits were just things people said they saw, it doesn't mean they saw anything illegal and many of them did not claim they saw anything wrong. "Sworn" means nothing since we know nobody will be charged with perjury.

We can disprove "anomalies" that varied from previous election returns. When Trump said no president had ever lost who won both Ohio and Florida is easily proven wrong.

Do some research yourself instead of believing anything that would explain why Trump lost.