It’s Labor Day…. Did trump leave his resort?

Heels Up Harris has not had a legitimate news conference since the Stone Age.

What is she afraid of?
He already IS president, no? Maybe he should do his job (not that he's done anything to help this country since he's been elected).
He didn’t go on vacation anywhere close to the number of days trump golfed.
Joe clearly is not well... I guess That's not surprising when your own besties throw you away.... Why are they dragging him around?
It was exhausting saving America from the trump years.
It was exhausting saving America from the trump years
It had to be exhausting to make things worse... Especially when you start off on day one...poor guy...poor Kam... She's so exhausted she's started speaking in
It had to be exhausting to make things worse... Especially when you start off on day one...poor guy...poor Kam... She's so exhausted she's started speaking in
How many people were dying every day at the moment Biden took office?

What was unemployment? What was the Dow? How much cash was Trump doling out to American citizens? How much QE was going on?
How many people were dying every day at the moment Biden took office?

What was unemployment? What was the Dow? How much cash was Trump doling out to American citizens? How much QE was going on?
Joe ruined this country... It will be nice to get it back..