its official

You're unemployed now Rob? How did you manage that?

BTW, you wouldn't call someone bloke, its more of a third party thing.

"Who gave you that buttercandy young Timmy?"
"That bloke over there...."

Better get this correct else you'd never get laid over here.... lol
Rob, Rob, one little indescretion, now you Have a child for life... Better open one of those tax deferred college accounts.
doing something with hedge funds , if you can believe that.
Rob I am serious, stock mkt "sperts", say the hedge fund market is a powder key waiting to blow. It is not a matter of if, but when.
I think USC's right. We probably won't see him on the boards during the day for a while. A couple of people that I know are getting new jobs! This is an exciting time of year.

Plus, we got our "carrot sticks" today :D I'm a happy camper!
I got a very decent raise and a nice bonus. We were able to rebid on the house we liked and I think it may be a go this time.