It’s OK to be Angry About Capitalism by Bernie Sanders


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Sanders’ popularity and his immense value to the political ecosystem stems from his willingness to say all this out loud, defying the credo which has defined mainstream discourse since at least the Clinton era: that the class war is over, that capitalism is as inevitable as the weather, and that markets don’t need morals, because they have their own separate schematics, drawn by an invisible hand.
the ability of leftists to hate capitalism from listening to the people who have greatly benefited from capitalism speaks volumes about the idiocy of those leftists.
Capitalism requires constant and strong regulation. The concept that all they care about is making profits is a blueprint for corruption and disaster. They should care about workers, the environment, and laws. If they profit more by abusing employees and wrecking the environment, they will. Then, like Trump, they will defy you to stop them. They will use the courts, lawyers, and lobbying to break laws and rewrite regulations.
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Capitalism requires constant and strong regulation. The concept that all they care about is making profits is a blueprint for corruption and disaster. They should care about workers, the environment, and laws. If they profit more bt abusing employees and wrecking the environment, they will. Then, like Trump, they will defy you to stop them. They will use the courts, lawyers, and lobbying to break laws and rewrite regulations.

If I am making money, why should I care about other people?! Bad system.
Indeed it is. It is a recipe for disaster and inequality. It requires vigilant and honest regulators.

Adam Smith was quite naive. He thought capitalism would make people more moral.
Although, not clear that he believed the state should let the system do whatever it wanted.
all this free market shit would be plausible if libertarians didnt ignore fascist state capture and crony capitalism.

if democrats and republicans continue to elect democrats and republicans who corrupt the free market for personal gain at the expense of those voters, who are we Libertarians stop you from getting what you wanted?
Capitalism requires constant and strong regulation. The concept that all they care about is making profits is a blueprint for corruption and disaster. They should care about workers, the environment, and laws. If they profit more bt abusing employees and wrecking the environment, they will. Then, like Trump, they will defy you to stop them. They will use the courts, lawyers, and lobbying to break laws and rewrite regulations.

nice job ignoring all the same crap as your beloved democrats do the very same thing. Now, please tell me how democrats are working hard to help the people. show me you swallowed the koolaid.
if democrats and republicans continue to elect democrats and republicans who corrupt the free market for personal gain at the expense of those voters, who are we Libertarians stop you from getting what you wanted?
help us make a sincere effort to reform our institutions, instead of just black-pilling it.
Capitalism requires constant and strong regulation. The concept that all they care about is making profits is a blueprint for corruption and disaster. They should care about workers, the environment, and laws. If they profit more bt abusing employees and wrecking the environment, they will. Then, like Trump, they will defy you to stop them. They will use the courts, lawyers, and lobbying to break laws and rewrite regulations.

It’s completely foolish to try and end capitalism

Ridicules shit
nice job ignoring all the same crap as your beloved democrats do the very same thing. Now, please tell me how democrats are working hard to help the people. show me you swallowed the koolaid.

The first part was about what capitalism does. Trump, however, is a terrific up-to-date example of how the system has been perverted.
I have voted for Senator Sanders in our last two state democratic primaries, but my party won't nominate him.

No matter who is doing the blaming, too few are blamed for this nation's debilitating problems.

Our citizenry overall is lacking relative to the most civilized parts of the world.

JPP is a microcosm that proves it.