APP - It's only about getting reelected

Do you guys all live in closets? We raised children, have grandchildren, they played with guns and super heroes same as everyone. The difference may be they grew up. Guns are like opium or is that comfort blankets for you wingnuts. I realize insecurity is a common human trait but please get a new 'record', yours is broken and boring and a failure as so many senseless deaths demonstrate.

Really? All those senseless

Just how many people did your children and grand children kill from playing with all those make believe guns when they were growing up?....unless the numbers are at least in the hundreds, stick that "broken record" bullshit where the sun don't shine.:fu:
Consider if you go into a school yard filled with children, there is always a bit of name calling. Consider if you say something a wingnut disagrees with, they will always name call. Note the similarity. One eventually grows up, the other remains a wingnut.
So calling you a "hypocrite", a statement of fact, is "name calling, yet you calling folks "wingnuts" is not.

Your level of hypocrisy is truly amazing.
Do you guys all live in closets? We raised children, have grandchildren, they played with guns and super heroes same as everyone. The difference may be they grew up. Guns are like opium or is that comfort blankets for you wingnuts. I realize insecurity is a common human trait but please get a new 'record', yours is broken and boring and a failure as so many senseless deaths demonstrate.

Yes, thanks for the Baby Boomer blinders. You were allowed to do these things in school. Times changed, slightly. Young boys have been expelled for displaying key chain guns. Those damned wingnuts and their opposition to all things firearm are to blame.
As a point of order: My use of the term, "wingnut," is anyone who opposes guns, because it is a blatant opposition to a simple American principle outlined in the Bill of Rights.
Ha! all liberals have given up their guns! LOL!

Wingnuts have believed so many lies over the last 10 years they don't know whats true and whats lies. Especially the lie that the rich will create jobs and give a rat's ass about America.


Yellow cake and aluminum tubes, Saddam moved the wmds, duct tape and plastic will save you from the bio weapons Saddam can hit us with in 45 minutes, we invaded Iraq because they hate our freedom, mission accomplished, trickle-down economics is good for America... and on and on and on.

I actually feel a little sorry for wingnuts as anyone would feel sorry for a slave who licks the boot of the master whos beating him.
Pssssttttt, let them believe it, so when they come to our houses we will have a nice surprise for them!
Yes, thanks for the Baby Boomer blinders. You were allowed to do these things in school. Times changed, slightly. Young boys have been expelled for displaying key chain guns. Those damned wingnuts and their opposition to all things firearm are to blame.

I'm not sure what that is even supposed to mean? You wingnuts should appreciate the use of 'wingnuts', it is sorta euphemistic, a nicer word than stupid blind corporate tools, or conservative birdbrains, or uneducated dupes, or some other more pejorative word or phrase. Hypocrisy has a more specific meaning and one has to examine context. But I doubt a wingnut even knows what context is?

"For anyone born after 1945, the welfare state and its institutions were not a solution to earlier dilemmas: they were simply the normal conditions of life - and more than a little dull. The baby boomers, entering university in the mid sixties, had only ever known the world of improving life chances, generous medical and educational services, optimistic prospects of a upward social mobility and - perhaps above all - an indefinable but ubiquitous sense of security. The goals of an earlier generation of reformers were no longer of interest to their successors. On the contrary they were increasingly perceived as restrictions upon the self-expression and freedom of the individual." Tony Judt 'Ill Fares the Land' [ame=""] Ill Fares the Land (9781594202766): Tony Judt: Books@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]