No Onzies, "spin" is when you twist "it's over" into a prediction of certain demise. There was never any doubt in my mind that Letterman would remain on air, with the full support of the unethical and tacky left, who don't give a shit who Letterman insults, as long as they aren't leftist pinheads. Before this incident, many compared Letterman in the same category as Johnny Carson, now they compare him to Conan O'Brien. If you want to believe, in your delusional little pinhead world, that this incident didn't hurt Letterman, that's entirely up to you, his network might disagree. They did insist he issue TWO apologies, as well as a personal apology to the governor. If this was no biggie, and didn't hurt Letterman, why would they insist on such a thing? Why wouldn't they encourage MORE of his tasteless and tacky jokes about the minor children of politicians performing sex acts?