It's Over for Letterman

The master of spin; no one else even comes close...

OOOO I dis agree with ya, there are members here still slapping each other on the back, high five in, and as giddy as a school girl about Obama, as the economy gets worse, the unemployment is at a all time high, your about to be taxed out the ass

So is Dixie the master , not real sure, but if so, there are plenty on here given Dixie a close second!!
No Mainey, I didn't "predict" anything. I said "It's Over For Letterman" and it is over for him. He is no longer "The King" of late night, his show has slipped in the ratings, and he is losing sponsors. He has relegated himself to that of a washed-up unfunny left-wing hack, who has to make crude sick jokes about people's kids for laughs. Perhaps he can run for Senate, eh?

did you bother to click on the link I provided?

He is STILL the king of late night.

On the birth certificate..I have a Hawaii birth certificate and it doesn't look anything like the one posted online..

and one other thing that caught my eye..for father race, the put African..when did they start doing that??

and if there was nothing to hide, all "the Obama" would have to do, is tell Hawaii to release his ORGINIAL birth certificate..but instead, he has spent over a million dollars to fight it being released..

anyone wonder why??

not me... I think he did it just to piss you off.
The master of spin; no one else even comes close...

No Onzies, "spin" is when you twist "it's over" into a prediction of certain demise. There was never any doubt in my mind that Letterman would remain on air, with the full support of the unethical and tacky left, who don't give a shit who Letterman insults, as long as they aren't leftist pinheads. Before this incident, many compared Letterman in the same category as Johnny Carson, now they compare him to Conan O'Brien. If you want to believe, in your delusional little pinhead world, that this incident didn't hurt Letterman, that's entirely up to you, his network might disagree. They did insist he issue TWO apologies, as well as a personal apology to the governor. If this was no biggie, and didn't hurt Letterman, why would they insist on such a thing? Why wouldn't they encourage MORE of his tasteless and tacky jokes about the minor children of politicians performing sex acts?
did you bother to click on the link I provided?

He is STILL the king of late night.


LOL... Your link is a 'story' about how Letterman topped O'Brien ONE night... when the NBA Playoffs were going on! Too funny! Letterman was thought of as another Johnny Carson, now he is compared to Conan O'Brien! No, he's NOT the king of late night anymore! But you and your left-wing minions continue trying to pump out propaganda pieces and pretending this didn't phase Letterman! I think America needs to hear it! I think you should spend every fucking waking hour, defending the crude and tasteless perverted remarks of David Letterman!
No Onzies, "spin" is when you twist "it's over" into a prediction of certain demise. There was never any doubt in my mind that Letterman would remain on air, with the full support of the unethical and tacky left, who don't give a shit who Letterman insults, as long as they aren't leftist pinheads. Before this incident, many compared Letterman in the same category as Johnny Carson, now they compare him to Conan O'Brien. If you want to believe, in your delusional little pinhead world, that this incident didn't hurt Letterman, that's entirely up to you, his network might disagree. They did insist he issue TWO apologies, as well as a personal apology to the governor. If this was no biggie, and didn't hurt Letterman, why would they insist on such a thing? Why wouldn't they encourage MORE of his tasteless and tacky jokes about the minor children of politicians performing sex acts?

No Dix, spin is when you post a thread with the title "It's OVER for Letterman" and then try and claim you meant something else.

You know why people compare Letterman to O'Brien now? Because O'Brien is Letterman's CURRENT COMPETITION ON THE AIR.

I know my two sentences won't convince you, I bet if God himself came down and told you you were wrong, you'd argue with Him too. I just had to get in my own:pke:
Buh-bye Dave!

I'm sure you just meant "Buh-bye Dave from the #1 late night slot" when in that thread you were explaining how he was going to be made an example of and you were drawing a line in the sand, etc.

Clearly, to every thinking individual, you were predicting Dave was going to be fired or otherwise leave the air.
We can probably settle this with a few simple questions.

Is it over for Letterman? No.

Is there any cause to say "buh-bye, Dave"? No.

David who????

he's desperate now because he is realizing he is just old, not funny, a perv, and the younger guys are running circles around him...

tick tock tick tock for this David somebody..good riddance
David who????

he's desperate now because he is realizing he is just old, not funny, a perv, and the younger guys are running circles around him...

tick tock tick tock for this David somebody..good riddance

Yeah, so desperate he just signed a brand new 3 year deal with CBS!
Letterman's ratings will INCREASE...he's not going anywhere pea brain...

The person that exploited Palin's children for gain in public was PALIN...


Then this picture means that Obama is exploiting his family and that makes all of them fair game.