Hello Frank,

Most mothers do not normally need to go to the hospital to give birth. Mothers-to-be are pregnant, not sick.

Hospital birth is a luxury. There is this thing called home birth. There are these people called midwives. It's almost unheard of any more because the AMA saw it as competition and has used their tremendous power to try to eliminate midwifery.

Only high-risk births and complications should be handled by doctors.

The notion that one has to go to the hospital for a birth is a myth promulgated by a high-profit medicalized birth industry (which does not always have the best outcome.)

But I do agree it is not a good time to make babies. Having a midwife come to your home is not the best case for social distancing.

the new dark ages. be proud, king regressive.
Woo hoo to woo han. Maybe some of that cross conditioned way beyond therapy mind in thieving absentee voting ballot arsonists premeditated malice aforethought...

unless the conjugal supplication of false wahhabi sabbatean separatist iranian repatriates its dark foxtrot tango...
unless the conjugal supplication of false wahhabi sabbatean separatist iranian repatriates its dark foxtrot tango...

Well that ought to rival the fabricated misnomer of an immaculate Jesus the Christ conception so Christiananality pedophilia may surpass Iranian tribal rites....
Well that ought to rival the fabricated misnomer of an immaculate Jesus the Christ conception so Christiananality pedophilia may surpass Iranian tribal rites....

father abraham had seven sons, and seven sons had father abraham.

and they never laughed and they never cried.

all they did was go like this:
Trump's supposed coronavirus hoax inactions rivals those burning Bush's lynching enforcement immaculate drug conceptions for Arab "death to the infidels" flying carpet terrorists which threatened POTUS prior to that second coming thru 9/11...

I sometimes feel, saltydancin' that you are even more negative about the powers-that-be than even I am! Keep it up!
I sometimes feel, saltydancin' that you are even more negative about the powers-that-be than even I am! Keep it up!

As if hadn't had enough of those crooks on Capital Hill still maintaining that "serve the Pope or die" homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming diatribe of the cross is higher than old glory super ego where death is now the biased accepted statistical probability even children out of school realize...
father abraham had seven sons, and seven sons had father abraham.

and they never laughed and they never cried.

all they did was go like this:

Just looking at previous see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil playbook position of problems in American politics malfeasance seems as if those suicidal Christiananality pedophilia super egos in homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming crisis is two wrongs make a rite....
Just looking at previous see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil playbook position of problems in American politics malfeasance seems as if those suicidal Christiananality pedophilia super egos in homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming crisis is two wrongs make a rite....

most people are good.