It’s Time to Tell the Truth: Republicans Aren’t Christians



".....So please, stop calling Republicans “Christians”—they’re not.
I can’t count the times I’ve heard people say they don’t consider themselves Christians any longer because of the ignorance of the Republican Party. Millions have abandoned Christianity because these people have hijacked a faith to distort it for their own political gains.
It’s time real Christians take back their faith from these people who’ve turned so many sour on Christianity. It’s time they rise up against these ignorant fake Christians and call them out directly on the truth. They don’t follow Christianity.
They follow Republicanity. They worship Reagan, guns and greed—not Jesus Christ."

Hush, truth!
I've been saying this for a long time. It's nice to see someone else sees it too.

I have attended churches that have not (yet?) been co-opted by the political right, but not many. Certainly no fundamentalist churches.

I think the RW power brokers could care less about abortion, except as a political wedge issue. But they used that one issue over the past several decades to get those people that care about it to follow them on all kinds of OTHER issues. Things like having the freedom to pollute our planet and their God/Constitutional RIGHT to shot up the neighborhood in spite of innocent deaths, and various human rights abuses, which I think Jesus and Buddha and Mohamed would all agree are terrible. But, somehow the self-styled Christians don't see the disconnect. It's a real head shaker to me.
a christian is someone who believes in the divinity of jesus and follows the bible. You don't get to play no true scotsman.
It's always funny to me when someone tries to say THEY are christian and someone else isn't.

Many christians claim the Latter Day Saints (Mormons) aren't christians; Jehovah's Witnesses are pretty scornful of Catholics; heck, even the Bob Jones University guy doesn't really like Catholics, right?

Everyone is so busy pointing out someone else's errors that they forget the whole you "without sin throw the first stone".

Personally, I let people self-identify... if they say they are christian, they're christian. They may follow their faith's precepts closely or they may only think about them twice a year, but what do I care?

Read a story about one town being for total immersion and another town being for partial immersion and thus they feuded. I'm assuming it wasn't true, but who knows?

As long as they aren't coming after me with pitchforks, if they say they are christian - cool, they are.
As long as they aren't coming after me with pitchforks, if they say they are christian - cool, they are.

but that begs the question....are there those who Christians can go after with pitchforks and still be Christians?........

as well as the question, can everyone use the name of Christ, act as the wish and retain credibility.....take for example some of the folks in Africa who form groups with the word Christian in the name and then engage in kidnapping, rape, murder and torture......may we be so forward as to question whether they're Scotch enough to know the difference between kilt and killed?........
The left is just trying to find a way to make abortion "okay" to as many self-described Christians as they can. That is all this debate will ever be about, until abortion is done away with, the future Dems claim victory over the future pro-abortion GOP, and the Dems get to work finding some other moral quandary that Christians object to.
but that begs the question....are there those who Christians can go after with pitchforks and still be Christians?........

Sure. Not up to me to define what is christian and what isn't. But you may want to run that question by a theological person.

People who call themselves christians have been killing pretty much as long as they have existed. (and yes, other religions have too - we're just discussing christians at the moment).

They might be very bad christians, but if they say they are christian I personally am not going to tell them they aren't.

Of course, if I considered myself a christian, I might feel differently. But it's rare that the distinction comes down to pitchforks; many sects have split off over seem from my perspective relatively minor differences. (but yes, that's just my perspective - obviously the people involved felt differently)
The left is just trying to find a way to make abortion "okay" to as many self-described Christians as they can. That is all this debate will ever be about, until abortion is done away with, the future Dems claim victory over the future pro-abortion GOP, and the Dems get to work finding some other moral quandary that Christians object to.

Seems to me adherents of any belief system can call themselves what they wish, live the way they wish. Bottom line is that 'fellow' practitioners can label any way they wish, ultimately it's not their call to make. Judgment isn't theirs, though the arguments can be interesting, for a few minutes anyways.
but that begs the question....are there those who Christians can go after with pitchforks and still be Christians?........

as well as the question, can everyone use the name of Christ, act as the wish and retain credibility.....take for example some of the folks in Africa who form groups with the word Christian in the name and then engage in kidnapping, rape, murder and torture......may we be so forward as to question whether they're Scotch enough to know the difference between kilt and killed?........

Oh, please. Like the Crusades? Like the unofficial English-Irish War? Like the Moral Majority? Like the Christian Right? No different than the Taliban.
Seems to me adherents of any belief system can call themselves what they wish, live the way they wish. Bottom line is that 'fellow' practitioners can label any way they wish, ultimately it's not their call to make. Judgment isn't theirs, though the arguments can be interesting, for a few minutes anyways.

The thing is when I was a practicing Catholic we were told to imitate Jesus. It was what Christians should do, set an example. I was told, they will know you are Christian by your love.

I have a problem with it when those "Christians" come on this forum and judge others and then use language towards them that I know they would not use in front of their priests or preachers!
Oh, please. Like the Crusades? Like the unofficial English-Irish War? Like the Moral Majority? Like the Christian Right? No different than the Taliban.

I'm willing to concede the Crusades......then you had to go and start babbling like an idiot.......bring me something that's happened this millennium and we can talk......
The thing is when I was a practicing Catholic we were told to imitate Jesus. It was what Christians should do, set an example. I was told, they will know you are Christian by your love.

I have a problem with it when those "Christians" come on this forum and judge others and then use language towards them that I know they would not use in front of their priests or preachers!

I would have no problem telling my preacher that I had an argument with a fucking idiot on the internet.......he might even ask if it was Rana......
I'm willing to concede the Crusades......then you had to go and start babbling like an idiot.......bring me something that's happened this millennium and we can talk......
I don't have to do shit... and what makes you think I want to talk to you? I just refute your nonsense and lies and carry on.

"....take for example some of the folks in Africa who form groups with the word Christian in the name and then engage in kidnapping, rape, murder and torture."

Oh you mean like what white folk in America and Europe did to Africans? And then used the Bible as justification??? Please. It's why I don't put any weight behind what most white folk say, believe or represent. Because most everything is based on "lies". There is no credibility. There are few credible, righteous, and decent white people, due to "white privilege", which has the lot of you believing that you do, say, and think nothing ever "wrong", and that you are blameless, and angels. I'm willing to say 50/50. Even Mitt Romney put it at 47%, and who would know better than him, being the the "great white hope d'jour". Bravo for falling into that waiting "manhole" . LOL
was that political or religious......I think they were a bit more concerned about the Queen than they were the Pope.......

Circa Queen Elizabeth I??? When the Vatican commissioned her assassination, and deemed her a heretic? Like the Papacy wasn't that fresh from the Borgias. I know History.
Like you, like them....what would you know of "clean hands"?
was that political or religious......I think they were a bit more concerned about the Queen than they were the Pope.......

It was protestants and catholics killing each other. They did it in the name of religion. Along with that, some of them wanted a separate country.

Point being that violence from one christian group against another group that wasn't of the same sect and/or religion didn't stop with the bubonic plague times.

And yes, this isn't just a christian thing. People are violent and religion is one of the excuses they use to be violent.