It’s Time to Tell the Truth: Republicans Aren’t Christians

Sure, it's a big part of it. But - last time I'll say it - it was christians killing christians post-bubonic plague.

Sorry for the repetition everyone; I will now go and wear my hair shirt for a bit.
Sure, it's a big part of it. But - last time I'll say it - it was christians killing christians post-bubonic plague.

Sorry for the repetition everyone; I will now go and wear my hair shirt for a bit.

by that standard then, the American Civil War was Christians killing Christians.....and WW2, I suspect.......and equally, likely some atheists killing atheists and agnostics killing Christians and whatevers killing whatevers in Northern Ireland so long as one favored the English and the other didn't.......sorry, it simply isn't a religious tossup...
This thread has me a little confused...

Is it ANY violence committed by Christians we are looking for, or just the violence they do in the name of their religion, or just C on C violence, or C on someone else (I got lazy and figured you could understand C was abbreviated Christian.)

And how far can we go back and how far away before someone starts saying that's not here and now? Because I'm sure the more detail we pile up, the more of that excuse we will hear.

Here's an interesting site,, even if you just look at the list of 20th Century Church Atrocities.
But, maybe they don't count because they happened in 1942-1943 Germany to Jews, 1954 Vietnam to Buddhists, and 1994 Africa to Tutsi ethnic groups.

Then you have those Christian Nut Jobs that picket veteran funerals. I call that emotional violence. You may not call them Christians but who gets to decide? They worship Christ.

Then you can look at today's Catholic Church. How many female priests? Why not? Women not good enough? Image and emotional violence!

In Serbia there was outright murder of Muslims by Christians. And it isn't just hearsay - They have a video tape exposing it that has finally forced a reluctant Serbian government in Belgrade to confront wartime atrocities, including the 1995 Srebrenica massacre, in which Serb soldiers killed more than 7,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys. The video captures a uniformed Serbian paramilitary unit executing six civilian men. It is now evidence at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in The Hague... ( - but maybe 18 years ago in Serbia is too long and to far away?

Which was the question I started with and why I hate answering questions from people that I know will just keep moving the goal posts.

".....So please, stop calling Republicans “Christians”—they’re not.
I can’t count the times I’ve heard people say they don’t consider themselves Christians any longer because of the ignorance of the Republican Party. Millions have abandoned Christianity because these people have hijacked a faith to distort it for their own political gains.
It’s time real Christians take back their faith from these people who’ve turned so many sour on Christianity. It’s time they rise up against these ignorant fake Christians and call them out directly on the truth. They don’t follow Christianity.
They follow Republicanity. They worship Reagan, guns and greed—not Jesus Christ."

Hush, truth!

This, from a homo.
The thing is when I was a practicing Catholic we were told to imitate Jesus. It was what Christians should do, set an example. I was told, they will know you are Christian by your love.

I have a problem with it when those "Christians" come on this forum and judge others and then use language towards them that I know they would not use in front of their priests or preachers!

You think that's a 'Catholic problem?' Seems a few "christians" and atheists/agnostics have a like problem regarding civility and messageboard. Something new everyday.

Personally I try to be civil, mostly here I am. Easy enough posting a few times a month.
Then you have those Christian Nut Jobs that picket veteran funerals. I call that emotional violence. You may not call them Christians but who gets to decide? They worship Christ.

/ one hand the left complains because we don't condemn their actions, on the other they complain because we say they aren't Christian.....go figure.....
/ one hand the left complains because we don't condemn their actions, on the other they complain because we say they aren't Christian.....go figure.....

Original assertion:
".....So please, stop calling Republicans “Christians”—they’re not


* but that begs the question....are there those who Christians can go after with pitchforks and still be Christians?........
* I'm willing to concede the Crusades......then you had to go and start babbling like an idiot.......bring me something that's happened this millennium and we can talk......
* because we don't condemn their actions, on the other they complain because we say they aren't Christian

Sort of, if they do that they must not be Christian?

I define someone a Christian as someone who thinks Jesus was the Christ Messiah and is/was divine. I believe it is also an article of faith that except for him, none of the rest of us are perfect and will always come short of his perfection. So, one can be Christian and still fail to do everything "right." Which kind of invalidates (in my mind) the argument that "if they do that they can't be Christians."

So... The original assertion should have been ".....So please, stop calling Republicans “GOOD Christians”—they’re not"

And then you and others could have agreed that sometimes (always?) Christians are bad - however one wants to define that - or certainly subject to fits of violence or wrongheadedness?

Putting all that word/idea splicing aside as somewhat meaningless, perhaps the discussion should be changed to Republican Values are NOT Christian Values, at least as most of us define Christian values once we pull the political ideology aside. Because (just as one example) I'm pretty sure if Christ were asked "Jobs and Profits vs. safeguarding the people and the planet" he would probably tell us to find a better way to to get Jobs and Profits. Apply the same thinking to crime and punishment and if we should help one another or tell them to it's not our problem, as well as many other things that seem to divide us today and you'll see where I am coming from on the whole Christianity and politics thing.

By THAT definition, Republican ideology does not fit with Christian ideology, thus poet's original assertion.
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Original assertion:
".....So please, stop calling Republicans “Christians”—they’re not


* but that begs the question....are there those who Christians can go after with pitchforks and still be Christians?........
* I'm willing to concede the Crusades......then you had to go and start babbling like an idiot.......bring me something that's happened this millennium and we can talk......
* because we don't condemn their actions, on the other they complain because we say they aren't Christian

Sort of, if they do that they must not be Christian?

I define someone a Christian as someone who thinks Jesus was the Christ Messiah and is/was divine. I believe it is also an article of faith that except for him, none of the rest of us are perfect and will always come short of his perfection. So, one can be Christian and still fail to do everything "right." Which kind of invalidates (in my mind) the argument that "if they do that they can't be Christians."

So... The original assertion should have been ".....So please, stop calling Republicans “GOOD Christians”—they’re not"

And then you and others could have agreed that sometimes (always?) Christians are bad - however one wants to define that - or certainly subject to fits of violence or wrongheadedness?

Putting all that word/idea splicing aside as somewhat meaningless, perhaps the discussion should be changed to Republican Values are NOT Christian Values, at least as most of us define Christian values once we pull the political ideology aside. Because (just as one example) I'm pretty sure if Christ were asked "Job and Profits vs. safeguarding the people and the planet" he would probably tell us to find a better way to to get Jobs and Profits. Apply the same thinking to crime and punishment and if we should help one another or tell them to it's not our problem, as well as many other things that seem to divide us today and you'll see where I am coming from on the whole Christianity and politics thing.

By THAT definition, Republican ideology does not fit with Christian ideology, thus poet's original assertion.

Ooops, PMP. That's gonna leave a mark.
This is a simple straw man logical fallacy.

I guess it helps to cherry pick one line? OK, I'll work with that one line.

How about Job Creation and Environment? As in this story...

Republicans and business groups say - that environmental protection is simply too expensive for a battered economy...Many economists agree that regulation comes with undeniable costs that can affect workers...some argue that the costs can be offset as companies develop cheaper ways to clean up pollutants...

I don't want to rehash the whole "green" agenda here, but the scientific studies (yes, I can provide sources) says pollution increases health hazards, causes sickness, and sometimes earlier deaths. Now, I think the Jesus I learned about would look at that whole issue and say health and lives should come first. I still picture Jesus wearing sandals and ministering to the poor and lame. Where he expels the money changers from the Temple, accusing them of turning it into a den of thieves through their commercial activities. “Sell your possessions,” Jesus told his disciples, “and give to the poor.”

I do not visualize him in a business suit sitting that the head of the company boardroom table discussing next year's profits. But, that seems to be how today's republicans want to visualize him. The values of Martin Luther King, for all his own personal faults, better reflect the message Jesus taught than ANY of today's Right Wing establishment.
I guess it helps to cherry pick one line? OK, I'll work with that one line.

How about Job Creation and Environment? As in this story...

Republicans and business groups say - that environmental protection is simply too expensive for a battered economy...Many economists agree that regulation comes with undeniable costs that can affect workers...some argue that the costs can be offset as companies develop cheaper ways to clean up pollutants...

I don't want to rehash the whole "green" agenda here, but the scientific studies (yes, I can provide sources) says pollution increases health hazards, causes sickness, and sometimes earlier deaths. Now, I think the Jesus I learned about would look at that whole issue and say health and lives should come first. I still picture Jesus wearing sandals and ministering to the poor and lame. Where he expels the money changers from the Temple, accusing them of turning it into a den of thieves through their commercial activities. “Sell your possessions,” Jesus told his disciples, “and give to the poor.”

I do not visualize him in a business suit sitting that the head of the company boardroom table discussing next year's profits. But, that seems to be how today's republicans want to visualize him. The values of Martin Luther King, for all his own personal faults, better reflect the message Jesus taught than ANY of today's Right Wing establishment.

"Spencer Weitman, president of the National Cement Company of Alabama, said the environmental regulations were a moving target."

The article doesn't address your straw man fallacy at all. If you don't have jobs and profits, you can't do anything to safeguard the people and the planet.

MLK was a Republican.
Ooops, PMP. That's gonna leave a mark.

why? me it merely underscores the stupidity of the OP........Republicans are gathered around political ideas....Christians are gathered around theological ideas......the underlying premise behind the OP was that Republicans were SUPPOSED to equal Christians or that Christians were supposed to equal Republicans.......that's the argument of brainless liberals....

given that fact that the typical human being, Christian or otherwise, does something that violates the will of God approximately every seven minutes, should I get a bruise from someone saying Republicans don't act the way they ought?......obviously not......neither do Democrats, neither do Libertarians......

Poet's original assertion, which was false, was that the Republican ideology was INTENDED to be the Christian ideology.......
Aaron is nothing more than an ultraliberal racist douchebag. Nothing more, nothing less.

Ultraliberal??? Nah....more moderately liberal.
Racist? Impossible. I have too many whites that I simply adore, to ever be considered racist. What I abhor is racist of any color.
A douchbag???? Sorry, but I'm unfamiliar with backwoods "whitespeak". I have no idea what that is.
And only my friends call me Aaron. My ID says "poet". You are not my friend. I'm not an animal lover. You are a vole.