Thanks, actually #1 lady I am working all night, an server changeout is happening and I must attend the festivities electronically.
Happy Birthday, USC! Hope you can find a way to get some time to make up for having to work all night on your real b'day, though! :p
Well, now you are even older. Dang. What was it like to read Moses' obituary?

Moses was overrated. I knew the guy, long stick and all that. He had a flair for the drammatic and wore elevator sandals to make himself look taller though.
Thanks all. And I am not going to tell ya how old I am but I would love to be 40 again.
I am just one of those Dick Clark types that look young.

I sure will appreciate yall paying for my SS and medical care soon though :clink:

Topper did not even send me a card though, I guess it is over....
Moses was overrated. I knew the guy, long stick and all that. He had a flair for the drammatic and wore elevator sandals to make himself look taller though.
I heard that he had a high squeaky voice and that he stuttered a lot too. Sounds like a total geek.
Thanks all. And I am not going to tell ya how old I am but I would love to be 40 again.
I am just one of those Dick Clark types that look young.

I sure will appreciate yall paying for my SS and medical care soon though :clink:

Topper did not even send me a card though, I guess it is over....

Is that your picture USC?!

Thanks all. And I am not going to tell ya how old I am but I would love to be 40 again.
I am just one of those Dick Clark types that look young.

I sure will appreciate yall paying for my SS and medical care soon though :clink:

Topper did not even send me a card though, I guess it is over....

He’s with Cawacko now usc. Don’t let it get you down! Let me tell you some advice my wise-old grandmama gave to me. Darla, she said, the way to get over one man is to get under another man!

And it has held me in good stead. You hang in there!
Just for the record, my grandmother never said any such thing, and she would be after me with her wooden spoon for even saying that!
Still, it’s not bad advice.
He’s with Cawacko now usc. Don’t let it get you down! Let me tell you some advice my wise-old grandmama gave to me. Darla, she said, the way to get over one man is to get under another man!

And it has held me in good stead. You hang in there!

thanks Darla I have been trying to hold it together, but topper is so cute in those little tennis dresses, with his little stubby legs and all..... :cry:
Just for the record, my grandmother never said any such thing, and she would be after me with her wooden spoon for even saying that!
Still, it’s not bad advice.
LOL. I thought this was going to be the "Typical" moment...

happy birthday us cit...60+++going on sixteen...enjoy the kudos wilst ya ... dollars to donuts the pic is a few years old...!
'Sweet Sixteen'...Hillary Duff
Hey Happy Birthday you workaholic.

You will have to treat yourself this weekend to make up for it.

Have an extra bowl of oatmeal or what ever you non drinkers do. ;P