Thanks Desh, clean living and working is what keeps me young looking, well that and genetics.

Think I might go hiking in the National Forest this weekend, the wildflowers are blooming and it should be nice.

You look a lot younger than I pictured. No wonder all the church ladies were over you!
usc's new name is studmuffin.

OMG ...this is so the girls in HS that said 'You are a nice guy' as they wondered down the road and jumped on the 'bad boys' bike...yeah, us cit, the gals in here are swooning all over you!... Like desh who said...' sounds like a good time' your hiking threw the meadows while the flowers are in bloom...I must give credit to el beefy...he admitts his lack of girl getting personna...and is working on on the other hand are a lost
Rest easy gramps you've gotta be 5 yrs youger than Mcain, he's only 95.
Man your GED really has you defensive, your comical bringing me up in all these post.
your so envious.
btw in the interest of disclosure I am a moderate tree hugger.

I love nature and the outdoors.
Some of it we need to keep unspoiled for future generations and most we need to use.
We need to use it wisely.
Well damn...shit howdy...

btw in the interest of disclosure I am a moderate tree hugger.

I love nature and the outdoors.
Some of it we need to keep unspoiled for future generations and most we need to use.
We need to use it wisely.

I love nature also...and believe we need to use resources wisley also...what has this to do with men from Mars and Women from Venus?