It's Your Country Too, Mr. President

Still on this Bush thing? Do you realize his two terms are up?

His two terms are up and nothing would please me more than to forget that sorry excuse for a President. However, how is it possible to discuss the pile of crap he left behind without using his name? In the short time I've been on this board, it seems to me the names 'Clinton' and 'Carter' still seem to pop up from time to time, are you also critical of that?
Don't get me wrong, I'm entirely sympathetic, if it was me in your position, I would also be trying very hard to suppress any memory of b**h.
P - O - L - I - C - I - E - S

Gee it's beginning to look a lot like the Old Days around here.

I say if you can't provide the policies and reason, do the next thing in your bag of tricks. Go find Summersong (Tutu Monroe) to beat up on for the next two weeks.

Maybe you could convince Tom and Christie to join you, eh???? :roll:

I think you maybe should have obliged him with the definition for the word policies too. :)
P - O - L - I - C - I - E - S

Gee it's beginning to look a lot like the Old Days around here.

I say if you can't provide the policies and reason, do the next thing in your bag of tricks. Go find Summersong (Tutu Monroe) to beat up on for the next two weeks.

Maybe you could convince Tom and Christie to join you, eh???? :roll:

Good to "see" you.
I thought SS was meme, now it's TuTu? I would never pick on anybody that wants to talk civilly. Try me. No "eyes rolling", no HaHaHa or the hated BwaaaHaHa, no smiling faces, no vulgarity, no insults, just talk, with logic of course and, hopefully, without obfuscation. I have never been vulgar or personal with either one of them, or you either for that matter. Who among you can make that statement?
Have you read the entire thread? I listed b**h failure in 3 separate posts,one quite a long list that could have been longer, but, as yet, not a single post has had anything to say to counter me except that b**h is no longer President. I really do want to know what it is I'm missing, but it's like pulling teeth to find out what it is b**h supporters see as my error.
Good to "see" you.
I thought SS was meme, now it's TuTu? I would never pick on anybody that wants to talk civilly. Try me. No "eyes rolling", no HaHaHa or the hated BwaaaHaHa, no smiling faces, no vulgarity, no insults, just talk, with logic of course and, hopefully, without obfuscation. I have never been vulgar or personal with either one of them, or you either for that matter. Who among you can make that statement?
Have you read the entire thread? I listed b**h failure in 3 separate posts,one quite a long list that could have been longer, but, as yet, not a single post has had anything to say to counter me except that b**h is no longer President. I really do want to know what it is I'm missing, but it's like pulling teeth to find out what it is b**h supporters see as my error.

No, belme. Froggie told you all meme was SS and she heard that from Darla.

She asked for the specific policies.
Go p*ss up a rope, moron.

P - O - L - I - C - I - E - S

Gee it's beginning to look a lot like the Old Days around here.

I say if you can't provide the policies and reason, do the next thing in your bag of tricks. Go find Summersong (Tutu Monroe) to beat up on for the next two weeks.

Maybe you could convince Tom and Christie to join you, eh???? :roll:
Apparently some here are having trouble understanding which bad policy(ies) bu$h pursued.

Bush fucked up because he pursued a bad policy. The UN is far too irrelevant to be judged negatively by ignoring it. The UN is nothing more than a punchline. Anyone who takes it seriously is an idiot.
No, belme. Froggie told you all meme was SS and she heard that from Darla.

She asked for the specific policies.[/QUOTE

Go to my list and add to the front of each of the failures e.g. at the outset
bush was told that X amount more troops were needed in Iraq, but it took him 5years to realize it then he claimed success.
Or, bush's foreign policy earned us the hate of the world. Or, though while professing disdain for government, he increased it size. Or, his Supply Side Economics policy brought us the slowest job growth in 1/2 century, deficit spending, increased poverty. What about health care? What improvements came under his policiy, higher prices by 70%?
Need I go on? Just check my list,the policy resulted in the failures.
You're playing a semantics game because you are avoiding at least an attempt to list b**h's imagined successes. Ignore what I claim are his
failures. Have you no opinion of your own regarding his successes to counter me?
Apparently some here are having trouble understanding which bad policy(ies) bu$h pursued.

Don't be too harsh on him.

Nobody realises how easy it is to bugger up a couple of wars. Only last week i nearly re-started a minor tribal war in Laos and i was only booking a table for two at a Thai restaurant. It's easily done, i can tell you.

What is wrong with the world when a chap can't just kill a few terrorists and blow up a few kids without everyone forgetting about all the good work he did with the lovely AIDS people in Africa?
Sorry, the word terrorist cannot be uttered anymore according to your masters, so please cease with the crazy talk.

Don't be too harsh on him.

Nobody realises how easy it is to bugger up a couple of wars. Only last week i nearly re-started a minor tribal war in Laos and i was only booking a table for two at a Thai restaurant. It's easily done, i can tell you.

What is wrong with the world when a chap can't just kill a few terrorists and blow up a few kids without everyone forgetting about all the good work he did with the lovely AIDS people in Africa?
Good to "see" you.
I thought SS was meme, now it's TuTu? I would never pick on anybody that wants to talk civilly. Try me. No "eyes rolling", no HaHaHa or the hated BwaaaHaHa, no smiling faces, no vulgarity, no insults, just talk, with logic of course and, hopefully, without obfuscation. I have never been vulgar or personal with either one of them, or you either for that matter. Who among you can make that statement?
Have you read the entire thread? I listed b**h failure in 3 separate posts,one quite a long list that could have been longer, but, as yet, not a single post has had anything to say to counter me except that b**h is no longer President. I really do want to know what it is I'm missing, but it's like pulling teeth to find out what it is b**h supporters see as my error.

You named nothing but a laundry list of generalities. What you stated was that he, Krauthammer, had supported the failed Bush policies. I asked you to name them, you have failed post afrer post to do so. You are a disingenuous poster who indeed does not use anything other than stiff necked song and dance routines instead of support the crap you throw around and call facts.
Now list these Bush POLICIES and show how they have failed...I know that this is really really hard belme, but do try.
You named nothing but a laundry list of generalities. What you stated was that he, Krauthammer, had supported the failed Bush policies. I asked you to name them, you have failed post afrer post to do so. You are a disingenuous poster who indeed does not use anything other than stiff necked song and dance routines instead of support the crap you throw around and call facts.
Now list these Bush POLICIES and show how they have failed...I know that this is really really hard belme, but do try.

I recognize the fact that you can say nothing in support of your hero. It must be very frustrating indeed for you. I realize that the worst Recession in 70 years, no job growth, unemployment, increased poverty, deficits, growth of government, torture, health care inflation, Iraq, and the hate of the rest of the world, etc, are "generalities" to you, but what else is new?
I recognize the fact that you can say nothing in support of your hero. It must be very frustrating indeed for you. I realize that the worst Recession in 70 years, no job growth, unemployment, increased poverty, deficits, growth of government, torture, health care inflation, Iraq, and the hate of the rest of the world, etc, are "generalities" to you, but what else is new?

That's it belme once again try and move the discussion away from your inability to support your claim with specific policies and how they failed. :cof1:
My comment wasn't meant about Threedee, but about those (who shall not be named) who are arguing on this thread that none of bu$h's policies were failures.

Careful, now, you plan to kill a few terrorists and the next thing you know an entire sovereign nation goes up in flames. :)

Don't be too harsh on him.

Nobody realises how easy it is to bugger up a couple of wars. Only last week i nearly re-started a minor tribal war in Laos and i was only booking a table for two at a Thai restaurant. It's easily done, i can tell you.

What is wrong with the world when a chap can't just kill a few terrorists and blow up a few kids without everyone forgetting about all the good work he did with the lovely AIDS people in Africa?
Always the charming and tasteful rejoinder from our own Lady Sneerwell. :rolleyes:

Imagine my chagrin.

Be careful hon. It's running down your legs now.

That would be your opinion.

Now go "do yourself". Don't forget the paper bag. You're going to need something to get sick in to.

So much for lowering the level of discourse, eh sweetcheeks?
That's it belme once again try and move the discussion away from your inability to support your claim with specific policies and how they failed. :cof1:[/QUOTE

Once again poor mr. bush goes without a word in support from his staunchest and few remaining supporters.
Whatever. Why waste time?
Be careful hon. It's running down your legs now.

That would be your opinion.

Now go "do yourself". Don't forget the paper bag. You're going to need something to get sick in to.

So much for lowering the level of discourse, eh sweetcheeks?

Of course Chris has stayed focused as per usual on bringing down the discourse and then pointing her finger. I guess the irony is missed on our poor Chris? The paper bag tip was really nice of you :)