You must not get out much. The Democratic Party of the Jackass had a strangle hold on the House and the Senate for at least 4 1/2 decades. That rule ended during Billy Bob Clinton's Presidency.
It is also the first time in about as many decades the Federal budget was balanced. After a short stint with Pelosi at the helm during OBamunsim, Republicans swept back into office. If anything we are watching the Democratic Party of the Jackass implode with their wild eyed lunatic fringe becoming ever larger and demanding Marxist policies.
I get out plenty...
...and I disagree with your assessment of where things are going. Since your side seems to be so sure that the pendulum has swung your should be delighted. But, honestly, you folk do NOT seem delighted at all. You seem angry and distraught.
In any case, we will eventually see how things turn out.