I've been thinking...

The only draw back from Jersey beaches. Otherwise, they are lovely! :)

In all seriousness we made it a lazy day. My boyfriend and I were debating on whether we would go to my parent's place or his. Around noon, we were still in bed watching movies and decided we weren't going anywhere except out for a big lunch. I heard fireworks down the street from me, but it rained so I didn't bother going to see them.
Oh! But I did finally catch "Lil' Bush" on comedy central. I thought that pretty funny. Then you think about some of the jokes and you're like, "man, that's pretty sad that its funny".

i.e. Lil' Bush signed up for the military and the test consisted of his name and the date. He got the date wrong, but they took him anyway. And when he asked for body armour the recruiter looked at him and laughed.
The only draw back from Jersey beaches. Otherwise, they are lovely! :)

In all seriousness we made it a lazy day. My boyfriend and I were debating on whether we would go to my parent's place or his. Around noon, we were still in bed watching movies and decided we weren't going anywhere except out for a big lunch. I heard fireworks down the street from me, but it rained so I didn't bother going to see them.
Oh! But I did finally catch "Lil' Bush" on comedy central. I thought that pretty funny. Then you think about some of the jokes and you're like, "man, that's pretty sad that its funny".

i.e. Lil' Bush signed up for the military and the test consisted of his name and the date. He got the date wrong, but they took him anyway. And when he asked for body armour the recruiter looked at him and laughed.

That must have been funny, I missed them last night. I should have recorded them but I forgot to.

I love that show.