I've said that BOTH sides will be blamed for shutdown, and guess what?

It doesn't matter how each base polls. What matters, is what independents think. They all know that the GOP shut down the govt.

What if the Senate sent back a bill to the House, that met their spending limits, but included an assault weapons ban, and background checks?

Whose fault would the shutdown be then?

What if the House sent the Senate a bill praising and funding Obamacare and raising taxes on the top 10% to 50%, along with a total ban on abortion and closing the borders.

Whose fault would the shutdown be then.....

Its a hard one so I'll help you....it would be the Democrats fault, same as it is NOW for refusing to negotiate at all...
Perhaps it's time to put away the bumper stickers boys and girls. BOTH sides are at fault for what the American government has become .. which includes BOTH sides of the American people.

Start from here .. CORPORATIONS OWN THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT .. and neither side wants to even talk about it because they feel as helpless as a lamb .. make that sheep.

HELLO .. that's what the American people have become today .. sheep.

Grow some balls and deal with the truth.
All this proves is that journalists are intelligent/educated. It proves nothing of the owner/publisher's political leanings. Nice fail. Again.

I'm not so certain that much of this has to do with education. But it certainly has plenty to do with critical thinking skills, basic intelligence and that there is very little of rightwing interests for the media to report to the general population . Even when going to a traditional rightwingnut self-named news source it becomes very quickly and very clear exactly what their agenda is and to what level they will stoop to propagandize their listeners/readers.

The general media is trained and remains committed to reporting facts. The rightwing self described media cares nothing for facts but instead reports false information, misinformation, outright lies and blowhard bullshit only accepted by a very few and considered more entertainment than anything else by others. Many comedians make their living at the expense of the rightwingnut media!!!!!!!!!

bac it's so funny how we are so different politically but I agree with you so much.

You may agree with his copy and pasties, but do you really know anything or agree with anything he actually says? I don't. He hates America and himself and he makes it clear over and over and over again. Useless would be too nice of a word to describe him in my neck of the woods.

You may agree with his copy and pasties, but do you really know anything or agree with anything he actually says? I don't. He hates America and himself and he makes it clear over and over and over again. Useless would be too nice of a word to describe him in my neck of the woods.


Is bac your Uncle Tom ?

Bac has more brains than you can hope to accumulate....and I seldom agree with anything he says....
Fully 81% of news media professionals favor affirmative action in employment and academia.

71% agree that the “government should work to ensure that everyone has a job.”

75% agree that the “government should work to reduce the income gap between rich and poor.”

56% say that the United States has exploited the nations of the Third World.

57% say that America’s disproportionate consumption of the world’s natural resources is “immoral.”

It is equally illuminating to examine the degree to which members of the news media have supported Democrat or liberal/left candidates and causes, both at the ballot box and with their checkbooks:

In 1964, 94% of media professionals voted for Democrat Lyndon Johnson over Republican Barry Goldwater.

In 1968, 86% voted for Democrat Hubert Humphrey over Republican Richard Nixon.

In 1972, 81% voted for Democrat George McGovern over the incumbent Nixon.

In 1976, 81% voted for Democrat Jimmy Carter over Republican Gerald Ford.

In 1980, twice as many cast their ballots for Carter rather than for Republican Ronald Reagan.

In 1984, 58% supported Democrat Walter Mondale, whom Reagan defeated in the biggest landslide in presidential election history.

In 1988, White House correspondents from various major newspapers, television networks, magazines, and news services supported Democrat Michael Dukakis over Republican George H.W. Bush by a ratio of 12-to-1.

In 1992, those same correspondents supported Democrat Bill Clinton over the incumbent Bush by a ratio of 9 to 2.

Among Washington bureau chiefs and congressional correspondents, the disparity was 89% vs. 7%, in Clinton’s favor.

In a 2004 poll of campaign journalists, those based outside of Washington, DC supported Democrat John Kerry over Republican George W. Bush by a ratio of 3-to-1. Those based inside the Beltway favored Kerry by a 12-to-1 ratio.

In a 2008 survey of 144 journalists nationwide, journalists were 8 times likelier to make campaign contributions to Democrats than to Republicans.

A 2008 Investors Business Daily study put the campaign donation ratio at 11.5-to-1, in favor of Democrats. In terms of total dollars given, the ratio was 15-to-1.


Do you find it strange that unbias media looks into facts and then tends to lean Left on certain arguments?

My name is Anti-Party and I vote Conservative in money, but Liberal in Freedom.

I'm labeled as a Leftist or a Liberal on a daily basis. Sometimes even a Socialist by people that have no clue what Socialism is.

General media doesn't follow propaganda or report hatemonger lies. This is a Fox News or Infowars style approach to facts that don't seem to matter.

There is a reason most media leans Left. It's because there is no brainy Right Wing media. NONE. NONE AT ALL!. Only hatemonger media.
Do you find it strange that unbias media looks into facts and then tends to lean Left on certain arguments?

My name is Anti-Party and I vote Conservative in money, but Liberal in Freedom.

I'm labeled as a Leftist or a Liberal on a daily basis. Sometimes even a Socialist by people that have no clue what Socialism is.

General media doesn't follow propaganda or report hatemonger lies. This is a Fox News or Infowars style approach to facts that don't seem to matter.

There is a reason most media leans Left. It's because there is no brainy Right Wing media. NONE. NONE AT ALL!. Only hatemonger media.

How does Fox define socialism?
What if the House sent the Senate a bill praising and funding Obamacare and raising taxes on the top 10% to 50%, along with a total ban on abortion and closing the borders.

Whose fault would the shutdown be then.....

Its a hard one so I'll help you....it would be the Democrats fault, same as it is NOW for refusing to negotiate at all...
Incorrect. Once again, you are trying to undo a LAW. Spending bills are not the vehicle for doing so.
You may agree with his copy and pasties, but do you really know anything or agree with anything he actually says? I don't. He hates America and himself and he makes it clear over and over and over again. Useless would be too nice of a word to describe him in my neck of the woods.


:0) Your ignorance and obsession with me is hilarious Mr. Fake Man. I find it quite enjoyable.

Notice how easily I ignore you and NEVER have to respond to anything your dumb ass has to say .. because you're stupid. :0) Yes, you're stupid. :0)

You're a fake ass white dude claiming to be liberal while calling black people the N word .. a bullshit facade that I saw through and revealed 5 minutes after you got here.

Yes motherfucker, you are indeed stupid. :0)

Oh yeah, who gives a fuck about "your neck of the woods" .. which most likely is in a trailer park. :0)