jacksonsprat22, banned 7 days...

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Do you remember when the Nazis marched in Skokie, IL? What was the good part of that historical event?

What about a person burning an American flag? Isn't that equivalent to "shitposting"?

Where do we draw the line? Arbitrarily? If so, then that limitation will evolve into further limitations. It's human nature.

I don't think you fully understand the reasons behind trolling.
I know a half a dozen ppl who joined, looked around, and left because of the use of egregious racist and sexist language and insults. You only have to look under the "community" tab and sort by join date to see how many leave in disgust.

It's one thing to have a nice little hidey-hole with your friends and frenemies; quite another to let it sink into a swamp of vulgarity and hate that drives away newcomers, all in some faux worship of "free speech."

Yeah. 'Free Speech' ... bad.
At the time when I have seen these types of posts, I have reported them, yes. You can verify with Phantasmal.

Yes. I can verify that Owl was the Forum Rat at Amazon. Ask Billy when the Amazonians came here and who tried to be the JPP Forum Rat. Billy can attest to the 'Snitch v. Snitch' attitude.
(it must be true Leopards don't change their spots)
Yes. I can verify that Owl was the Forum Rat at Amazon. Ask Billy when the Amazonians came here and who tried to be the JPP Forum Rat. Billy can attest to the 'Snitch v. Snitch' attitude.
(it must be true Leopards don't change their spots)

No one gives a fuck about Amazon. That was 3 years ago.

In fact, many of us didn't give a fuck 3 years ago.
I don't consider trolling and shitposting part of the freedom of speech of a forum. It's actually a hindrance to speech to have trolls spamming your forum. When it was wall to wall shitpost discussions from Terri4Trump I wasn't the only one wanting to pack up and move out. Troll spammers seek to make forums a mess and not readable. Most places would can that shit in no time.

Yet you do it all the time. Hypocrite.
Oh my goodness! Who posted this?

It isn't a "meeting," it's a sporting event. She's in lane 666.

They were already here. Rana recruits. It wasn't a happy accident that the Amazon rejects ended up here.

I ended up here on the advice of a (Dem) Amazon poster. You may recall a thread I started asking how many came here from the Amazon forum. It got as bad (actually worse) as some of the current ones and I had the thread deleted. To my knowledge, I didn't know Rana until I came here.
I ended up here on the advice of a (Dem) Amazon poster. You may recall a thread I started asking how many came here from the Amazon forum. It got as bad (actually worse) as some of the current ones and I had the thread deleted. To my knowledge, I didn't know Rana until I came here.

Well, that makes you extra stupid.
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