Jacksonville - Trumps imagination vs. Reality


Well-known member
So, the Jacksonville Convention, as expected, has been called off. And now we know why. Trumps campaign team came to him with 'beautiful' pictures of what the convention would be like, and people were incredibly excited to come, but the President insisted that it was the wrong time. 'We can do this safely sir', they told him, but he was unswayed. He cares about the people of Jacksonville, and he wants to protect them, both from the virus, and from the violent radical left mobs.


Here's the real conversation:

'Ah, Mr. President, it appears that absolutely no one wants to come to a convention in the middle of pandemic.'
'Are you sure?
'Yes, like, literally nobody is coming. The optics might be bad, but you could pretend it was your decision, it would make for great TV.'
'Yeah, let's go with that'

We didn't get to see Dr. Fauci, but it was nice that Mariano Rivera was there. And also nice to here from Doctor Trump that there is no risk to kids.

As usual, just a complete debacle.
Trump’s decision to cancel the large event in Jacksonville came weeks after he initially pulled the event from North Carolina amid a debate with the state’s governor over social distancing guidelines. He said that he would still keep a much smaller meeting of Republican delegates, scheduled for August in North Carolina, on the calendar. :laugh:
President Trump said Thursday that he had decided to cancel the Republican National Convention, planned for August in Jacksonville, Fla., amid growing concern among party donors, local officials and voters in Florida that the spread of the coronavirus made the gathering untenable.

https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/23/...tion=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage
Yeah, except that wasn’t the reason, the real reason is his campaign didn’t have their act together to coordinate with the local authorities about security and they didn’t have the resources to guarantee security.

The excuse of COVID was to make him look like he’s finally taking it seriously, even though he keeps stating that it’s going away.
Yeah, except that wasn’t the reason, the real reason is his campaign didn’t have their act together to coordinate with the local authorities about security and they didn’t have the resources to guarantee security.

The excuse of COVID was to make him look like he’s finally taking it seriously, even though he keeps stating that it’s going away.

Trump is a sinking ship.
So, the Jacksonville Convention, as expected, has been called off. And now we know why. Trumps campaign team came to him with 'beautiful' pictures of what the convention would be like, and people were incredibly excited to come, but the President insisted that it was the wrong time. 'We can do this safely sir', they told him, but he was unswayed. He cares about the people of Jacksonville, and he wants to protect them, both from the virus, and from the violent radical left mobs.


Here's the real conversation:

'Ah, Mr. President, it appears that absolutely no one wants to come to a convention in the middle of pandemic.'
'Are you sure?
'Yes, like, literally nobody is coming. The optics might be bad, but you could pretend it was your decision, it would make for great TV.'
'Yeah, let's go with that'

We didn't get to see Dr. Fauci, but it was nice that Mariano Rivera was there. And also nice to here from Doctor Trump that there is no risk to kids.

As usual, just a complete debacle.
I'm glad because now the butthurt widdle libs have nothing to bitch about-- and, the riots will have to move somewhere else.


Trump will win, and that's all that matters.
So, the Jacksonville Convention, as expected, has been called off. And now we know why. Trumps campaign team came to him with 'beautiful' pictures of what the convention would be like, and people were incredibly excited to come, but the President insisted that it was the wrong time. 'We can do this safely sir', they told him, but he was unswayed. He cares about the people of Jacksonville, and he wants to protect them, both from the virus, and from the violent radical left mobs.


Here's the real conversation:

'Ah, Mr. President, it appears that absolutely no one wants to come to a convention in the middle of pandemic.'
'Are you sure?
'Yes, like, literally nobody is coming. The optics might be bad, but you could pretend it was your decision, it would make for great TV.'
'Yeah, let's go with that'

We didn't get to see Dr. Fauci, but it was nice that Mariano Rivera was there. And also nice to here from Doctor Trump that there is no risk to kids.

As usual, just a complete debacle.

Trump and his fan boys on this forum were so excited for the Tulsa rally, and the expected follow up Trump worship rallies. They were practically giggling with excitement and anticipation.

I wonder why Trump and his fan boys are suddenly so reticent to pack maskless Deplorables like sardines into sports arenas?
I'm glad because now the butthurt widdle libs have nothing to bitch about-- and, the riots will have to move somewhere else.


Trump will win, and that's all that matters.

And you won't have to make the hideously painful decision to stay home and live a while longer, or go in order to show obeisance to your Mango Messiah! It's a win-win! And Jacksonville won't be overrun with dozens of cootie-laden Reichtards supporting the has-been failed TV game show host.
Trump and his fan boys on this forum were so excited for the Tulsa rally, and the expected follow up Trump worship rallies. They were practically giggling with excitement and anticipation.

I wonder why Trump and his fan boys are suddenly so reticent to pack maskless Deplorables like sardines into sports arenas?
It may well be that they just weren’t going to show up, either. I know some Congress persons had stated that they weren’t going.
I'm glad because now the butthurt widdle libs have nothing to bitch about-- and, the riots will have to move somewhere else.


Trump will win, and that's all that matters.

Yeah because those Jacksonville riots have been front page news.
Can't hold a convention in an outdoor stadium, yet in a short time, we will send kids back to school. What could go wrong?
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So, the Jacksonville Convention, as expected, has been called off. And now we know why. Trumps campaign team came to him with 'beautiful' pictures of what the convention would be like, and people were incredibly excited to come, but the President insisted that it was the wrong time. 'We can do this safely sir', they told him, but he was unswayed. He cares about the people of Jacksonville, and he wants to protect them, both from the virus, and from the violent radical left mobs.


Here's the real conversation:

'Ah, Mr. President, it appears that absolutely no one wants to come to a convention in the middle of pandemic.'
'Are you sure?
'Yes, like, literally nobody is coming. The optics might be bad, but you could pretend it was your decision, it would make for great TV.'
'Yeah, let's go with that'

We didn't get to see Dr. Fauci, but it was nice that Mariano Rivera was there. And also nice to here from Doctor Trump that there is no risk to kids.

As usual, just a complete debacle.
That's exactly what happened. NOBODY was going to stand out in 100 degree heat, even if they did want to listen to the moron. I'm also willing to bet...contrary to his lies...that Fla. told him that it wasn't going to happen.

Great that NC didn't have to waste all that money on planning.
Yeah, except that wasn’t the reason, the real reason is his campaign didn’t have their act together to coordinate with the local authorities about security and they didn’t have the resources to guarantee security.

The excuse of COVID was to make him look like he’s finally taking it seriously, even though he keeps stating that it’s going away.
Hadn't heard that yet. I can't imagine they got that many positive RSVPs.
Can't hold a convention in an outdoor stadium, yet in a short time, we will send kids back to school. What could gop wrong?
I wanted someone to ask him why he believes that school only refers to that tiny demographic he fabricated Covid stats for? Children under 10 are a tiny percentage of students across the nation.
That's some interesting spin you got going on there. :laugh:
He's throwing out the first pitch at Yankee stadium in a few weeks. Of course, there won't be a crowd or he would never have done it.

It would be great if the canned audience started to boo.
Trump and his fan boys on this forum were so excited for the Tulsa rally, and the expected follow up Trump worship rallies. They were practically giggling with excitement and anticipation.

I wonder why Trump and his fan boys are suddenly so reticent to pack maskless Deplorables like sardines into sports arenas?
He needs them alive until November.
It may well be that they just weren’t going to show up, either. I know some Congress persons had stated that they weren’t going.

Yes, most humans are not as stupid as Trump, and recognize risk when they see it.

The take away here is that Trump was slow to even acknowledge the risk of this pandemic, and then compounded the problem when he prematurely tried to declare victory over it too soon.
I'm glad because now the butthurt widdle libs have nothing to bitch about-- and, the riots will have to move somewhere else.


Trump will win, and that's all that matters.

just where is trump going to get more uneducated white trash Christians , he tapped out that dying base already