Jade's healthy recipe exchange.

Concerning myself about a healthy diet may have been a good idea sometime between my military discharge and my marriage.
With no more boxing and no more Army, I delighted in eating whatever the fuck I wanted and kept on that path.
I even smoked until only thirty years ago.

Concerning myself about it now would be totally insane.
I am going to die, but I'm not going to die hungry.

Still, thanks for the good thoughts, Jade.
Concerning myself about a healthy diet may have been a good idea sometime between my military discharge and my marriage.
With no more boxing and no more Army, I delighted in eating whatever the fuck I wanted and kept on that path.
I even smoked until only thirty years ago.

Concerning myself about it now would be totally insane.
I am going to die, but I'm not going to die hungry.

Still, thanks for the good thoughts, Jade.

Oh, I'm not hungry. I'm quite full with all sorts of good food. It's just about choices. One for instance is using whole-wheat pasta and bread instead of the refined flour kind.
Try souping

I make a HUGE batch of vegetable soup and freeze it in small bags that I then put in a larger bag for easy access

I put in it all the really healthy veggies along with my favorite veggies

I bone a chicken and make a simple stock with carrots, celery and onions

Cook that as long as you can stand to cook it

Hours is best

Then I chop my mountains of vegetables

A little bit of each veggie chopped really small and ones like kale and spinach I bend in a blender

You can put in your herbs like parsley and such in the blender

When your stock in strained of all bones you can add the blender contents

I like to cook things like lintels and garbanzo beans in this liquid at this point

Then add all your chopped veggies

Cook until you are pleased with the texture of your intact chopped veggies

I add things like my Brussels spouts last because I like great big pieces of them in my soup

If you want noodles in it you can cook the noodles in the soup near the end

I just made a batch with Edamame noodles that were cooked right in the soup

Add water as needed to cook the noodles and for consistency you prefer

You An also cook rice and add it near the end of cooking

At the end half hour or so you can add more herbs like parsley

Go easy on the salt or even use spice blends designed to replace salt depending on your health needs

I find when it’s so easy to pull some out and reheat it in a couple of minutes that I end up eating it very often

You can add chopped chicken if you wish

Also you can add anything you like to the soup as you eat it like the chopped chicken or rice if you tire of the same taste

Suggestions for added flavor changers:

Spicy V8
Any meat
Canned beans

Hope you enjoy the idea
Try souping

I make a HUGE batch of vegetable soup and freeze it in small bags that I then put in a larger bag for easy access

I put in it all the really healthy veggies along with my favorite veggies

I bone a chicken and make a simple stock with carrots, celery and onions

Cook that as long as you can stand to cook it

Hours is best

Then I chop my mountains of vegetables

A little bit of each veggie chopped really small and ones like kale and spinach I bend in a blender

You can put in your herbs like parsley and such in the blender

When your stock in strained of all bones you can add the blender contents

I like to cook things like lintels and garbanzo beans in this liquid at this point

Then add all your chopped veggies

Cook until you are pleased with the texture of your intact chopped veggies

I add things like my Brussels spouts last because I like great big pieces of them in my soup

If you want noodles in it you can cook the noodles in the soup near the end

I just made a batch with Edamame noodles that were cooked right in the soup

Add water as needed to cook the noodles and for consistency you prefer

You An also cook rice and add it near the end of cooking

At the end half hour or so you can add more herbs like parsley

Go easy on the salt or even use spice blends designed to replace salt depending on your health needs

I find when it’s so easy to pull some out and reheat it in a couple of minutes that I end up eating it very often

You can add chopped chicken if you wish

Also you can add anything you like to the soup as you eat it like the chopped chicken or rice if you tire of the same taste

Suggestions for added flavor changers:

Spicy V8
Any meat
Canned beans

Hope you enjoy the idea

Soup is always good, just have to keep the sodium down. I really like the Edamame pasta but it's slightly more expensive so I go for the red lentil pasta.
It was the first time I ever tasted edamame pasta

When I’m shopping I’ll pick up differing products to try in the next soup

I like mine real thick so it’s like stew

No guilt in getting seconds

I salt vey little

I let all the ingredients do the talking

Spices help too
Soup is always good, just have to keep the sodium down. I really like the Edamame pasta but it's slightly more expensive so I go for the red lentil pasta.
I can't get enough edamame. They're addicting and they're not cheap. I find them mostly frozen but you can buy fresh green soybeans in their pods. Put a dozen pods in a steamer until they're soft and push right out of the pods when you squeeze them. I guarantee you'll be hooked.
I can't get enough edamame. They're addicting and they're not cheap. I find them mostly frozen but you can buy fresh green soybeans in their pods. Put a dozen pods in a steamer until they're soft and push right out of the pods when you squeeze them. I guarantee you'll be hooked.

I can't go hog-wild on edamame because of the food compound known as oxalate that's in most nuts and legumes. It's a factor in causing kidney stones. Otherwise, I'd have more.
I can't go hog-wild on edamame because of the food compound known as oxalate that's in most nuts and legumes. It's a factor in causing kidney stones. Otherwise, I'd have more.
When I was in Georgia, they sold boiled peanuts at every gas station and quick shop. There's something about a warm snack I enjoy, so when I learned about Japanese food, edamame was a natural fit for me.
Guno צְבִי;5939303 said:
Hot and sour soup with tofu or homemade egg drop soup

Mr. Owl loves hot and sour soup. Me, not so much. It looks to have a lot of ingredients. How do you make yours?
Guno צְבִי;5940720 said:
chicken stock

shiitake mushrooms

wood ear mushrooms

bamboo shoots

firm tofu


shredded chicken


Red pepper flakes


No vinegar or rice wine? What gives it the "sour"?