Jade's Herbal, And Theraputic Care Advice.

I was listening to a radio doctor, and he said that if he could only recommend one supplement to people, it would be Omega-3. My mom got me onto those years ago, so I grab them at Costco, along with C and D vitamins.

I think the benefits of Omega 3 are quite extensive, and not just limited to the well documented benefits to cardio-vascular health.
I used to have some significant skin problems which basically went away after I started regularly eating Omega 3-rich foods. Coincidence? Possibly. But I attribute it in some measure to the purported anti-inflammatory properties of Omega 3 fatty acids.
@ Jade in post 29

In my humble opinion, you do not have to justify your life to anyone, especially anonymous posters on an obscure message board.

In some sense, I share your perspective that pets are better than humans in a lot of ways. My relationship with pets is pure, uncomplicated, and unconditional. How often does that happen in life?

“Love the animals. God has given them the rudiments of thought and joy untroubled. Do not trouble them, don't harass them, do not deprive them of their happiness, do not work against God's intent.” - Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov.
It sounds like Jade believes the "Best Western" story, even though his only source is Mason.

He has enough info on stuff, and Top is an obvious past relationship. You see it in the way they have acted, and the spite towards Owls just for being a female friend. He can't share info here though, so don't even ask.
OK this relationships stuff, and Top ends now. Get back to the title discussion, or I may fall back on my no derailing rule, and seek retro-ban.