Jade's travel picture share.

Jade Dragon

And I'm the one that jaded you.
This is a place to share pictures of travels posters have taken. Restaurants, scenery, landmarks, famous people. No sultry beaches, or Las Vegas shows please.
Here's my mother compared to a Sequoia, from 2009.
What a fun idea, JD. Here are a couple.

First one is whitewater rafting in Colorado. I'm on the far right in front; Mr. Owl is next to me in front.


Seward Harbor, 2012.

Rural village in Byelorussia (White Russia), Mogilev Region.
This is a "bread and salt" greeting ceremony.
Bread and salt is an ancient Slavic greeting ceremony, in which honored or admired guests are presented with bread (usually karavai, a braided wheat flour bread) and salt -- often by women wearing traditional Slavic costumes. In the East Slavic tradition, bread is supposed to represent hospitality, while salt represents cherished friendship.

Looks like I still have a stalker copycat, having to make there own discussions. It's actually cute of poor Yurt. Anyway here's a dust storm we ran into, back in 2009, outside of Winslow, Arizona.
I can't wait till this summer, when I look back at all my pics from last time. Like this one looking down into The Black Canyon, of the Gunnison.
The last vacation I took, I went here. I used to go yearly, but haven't visited in a couple of years. I hope to return this fall. Here is a summer shot, a winter shot and one of the cabins about 10 miles from the springs.



The last vacation I took, I went here. I used to go yearly, but haven't visited in a couple of years. I hope to return this fall. Here is a summer shot, a winter shot and one of the cabins about 10 miles from the springs.

OMG, what a paradise that is.
A couple flashbacks.

One year we drove up to Bayfield WI and kayaked through the Apostle Islands, camped out for two nights on Oak Island.

Our last trip to Alaska we stayed at Savage River camp, in Denali. Were treated to the aurora one night, woke up to a light and beautiful snow the next morning. We had the entire Park mostly to ourselves; there were only maybe a dozen other people there in total. September is a good time to see Alaska if you treasure solitude and quiet.
OMG, what a paradise that is.

Yeah, it has to be my favorite place ever. Spent many an hour in that pool. Summers. Winters. Sunrises. Full moons. A microburst. Dealt with tragedies there. Shared much joy there. Met many, many interesting people from all over the world.

There are many other pools, but none like the one pictured.
Yeah, it has to be my favorite place ever. Spent many an hour in that pool. Summers. Winters. Sunrises. Full moons. A microburst. Dealt with tragedies there. Shared much joy there. Met many, many interesting people from all over the world.
There are many other pools, but none like the one pictured.

I recall you talking about it a while back in another discussion. Where was it again? Is it open to the public, or a private resort/area?
Las Vegas. That's the Paris Las Vegas Tower

Damn, I'd forgotten what a gaudy mess that town is.
Did you ever go to Hoover Dam? I don't know if they let you go inside anymore, after 9/11, but you used to be able to tour the entire place including seeing the huge turbines.