Jan 6th will just be one part of the next indictment

We all know that Donald isn't that bright, but he does have underlings and assistants tasked to serve his every word and thought.
This indictment will cover far more than just the actions of your kind on Jan 6th, but will cover the planning and implementation leading up to that day as well as Tumps many attempts to change the election count in a number of states. Look for at least several of his cohorts to be indicted as well.
This was not just a demonstration but an attack on our democracy as well.

No democracy. The Oligarchy is not a democracy. The United States was never a democracy either.
Inversion fallacy. You can't blame Trump for what Democrats did.
Hello Tinkerpeach,
Smith is smart. If he brings charges that means he's got the goods.

Trump didn't have to be smart. He had the help of crooks in the Republican party. He's going down. This is "it."

Smith is dumb. He's already losing the case, just like the others he has lost.
You idiots have been saying, "This is 'it'" for EIGHT YEARS and you have NOTHING.
Hello Tinkerpeach,

It is essentially the same thing as far as humans are concerned.

Humans need to be organized under one powerful world government of the people, by the people and for the people with strong provisions to prevent being corrupted by big money like the American government is. The new world government should be tasked with preserving and improving life for all humans. All things are possible when we get organized and put good minds to the task.

...and pink unicorns will fly in the sky...
Hello Tinkerpeach,

Trump goes through lawyers like water goes down a drain.

Lawyers sometimes work no fee if they believe they can get part of a settlement or notoriety for defending a famous person, make a name for themselves.

Sadly, though, lawyers working for Trump need their own lawyers. Trump does not respect the law. He urges people to do illegal things like J6. He told the dangerous angry mob he had assembled if they didn't fight like hell they wouldn't have a country any more.

Trump was wrong. He got them to commit crimes and it didn't work. And guess what. We still have a country. Trump lied to them. That's what Trump does.

Trump is a liar. Anyone who supports him is either mistaken or has an ulterior motive, wants to disrupt American peace and freedom. American enemies do that.

Putin helped Trump get elected. Iran and North Korea hate America.

Fiction. TDS.
A lot of people in the media have referred to Jack Smith's "Jan. 6th investigation," but it is clear that the likely incoming indictment against Donald Trump is about a lot more than just that day's insurrection attempt, former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said on Saturday.

"Trump engaged in a sprawling and systematic effort to steal the 2020 election. We have heard and seen evidence that these efforts included defrauding the American public, subverting democratic institutions and coordinating a pressure campaign at the local, state and federal level to overturn the will of the people."

Trump and those who support him tried to "co-opt the Justice Department for political purposes," according to Psaki. "They submitted fake elector slates, recruiting and directing Trump supporters to forge paperwork and falsify information. They created a massive and allegedly fraudulent fundraising campaign to solicit donations based upon a lie."

After all of that is when Trump allowed the mob to take over the Capitol.

Herr Comrade, would you support Joe Biden making a law that anyone who opposes any democrat at any level in an election will be imprisoned for no less than 10 years?

Uber Alles democrat.

IF Biden's pitbull were to actually make a case that Trump running against Biden in 2020 was "stealing the election" as you Nazis claim - then that would be an act of treason by Smith and by Heinrich Garlands DOI - demanding immediate action by patriots to put down the insurrection and attempted establishment of a dictatorship by the Nazi democrat Reich.

You Nazis are just itching for a shooting war, and you're going to get one - you won't stop your overthrow of the Constitution until you do.
You will need to prove that Trump organized all of that.

If he is as dumb as you on the left claim he is then he wouldn't have the skillset to do that.

The Reich doesn't have to prove anything. They rule by force, not by consent of the governed.

This is a post-constitutional government. They are crushing all opposition with no regard for the rule of law.
By definition a riot is not organized dumbshit.

Riots can indeed be organized. A riot is a violent disturbance of the peace...wanton disorderly conduct.

Riots in cities all across America were organized by Democrat funded and supported violent factions like BLM and Antifa. Other violent factions of the Democrats include the KKK (which they created), and the Proud Boys. In other words, DEMOCRATS organized all these riots, looting, arson, and pillaging of cities, including Washington DC on Jan 6th (which was conducted as a false flag operation).

The Jan 6th riots were primarily organized by Nancy Pelosi, who also had a big hand in organizing the violent factions attacking cities across America.

The purpose was attempted intimidation. Later the purpose was to attack anything associated with Trump and to break down society so the coup by Democrats could occur.