Jan Brewers son is an insane criminal

Mental Health records are not, and should not be, open to the public.

We all know he got arrested, what it was for, and that he has mental health issues.

Yet we still don't have an explanation as to why we should be talking about the son. Why is this okey dokey any more than it is okay to go after Obama's half brother or something?

She had his CRIMINAL record sealed
Actually this portion here about the politics, does make it relative for the voters of AZ, IMO. Also, I could give a shit about a rapist. Oh he's mentally ill? Yeah. Whatever. Cry me a river.

Political connections

The Arizona Republic obtained a copy of Ronald Brewer's court file in May through a records request.

A week after Cooke asked the court to prevent The Republic from publishing anything from the case file, the governor's campaign lawyer, Lisa Hauser, signed on to help keep Ronald's case sealed.

Hauser, who also provided legal counsel for Jan Brewer's transition team, is one of 13 applicants for a position on the Arizona Supreme Court - a position Brewer will appoint.

The Commission on Appellate Court Appointments, which chooses the Supreme Court nominees, met in Phoenix on Monday. The commission moved Hauser ahead, granting her one of nine interviews to be held Sept. 30.

Hauser did not return calls seeking comment.

Doug Cole, who runs Brewer's campaign through the consulting firm High Ground and is one of the governor's closest advisers, has been intimately involved in the fight as well.

About two weeks after Hauser signed on as counsel, Cole sat in on a meeting with Hauser, an attorney representing the state hospital, an attorney representing the newspaper and Lovely, to try to resolve the records dispute.

Brewer also appointed Cole as one of 10 public members of the Commission on Appellate Court Appointments, which selects the judicial nominees.

Paul Senseman, Brewer's spokesman, said Hauser came into the proceedings at the request of Ronald's attorney, who wanted Hauser's expertise in public-records law. Ronald paid for Hauser's services, Senseman said.

Cole said he participated in the proceedings as a representative of the governor.

"She's involved because she's the governor and he's her son. . . . This has nothing to do with the campaign," Cole said. "She needs to have her place at the table, and she entrusted me with that. Nothing more, nothing less."

Lovely said: "Throughout this case, the governor's representatives tried to portray this solely as a family matter and not a political issue. Yet those representatives, Doug Cole and Lisa Hauser, are directly tied to the governor's re-election campaign."

Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/news/elect...brewer-son-medical-records.html#ixzz1lEUYdr6e

I tell you, she abuses power.
Mental Health records are not, and should not be, open to the public.

We all know he got arrested, what it was for, and that he has mental health issues.

Yet we still don't have an explanation as to why we should be talking about the son. Why is this okey dokey any more than it is okay to go after Obama's half brother or something?

The mentally ill son is not the issue, why did she want a cover up? It is, what it is, how can you hide something like that from the public, whether it should be an issue or not is secondary to the real issue.
another evince lie: "she had his records sealed"

the truth:

But Jan Brewer's ascendance to governor, after Janet Napolitano took a position in the Obama administration, triggered Ronald to request a change.

His attorney filed a motion on Jan. 2, 2009, to seal the case file.

"Ronald Brewer's mother is a public figure in the State of Arizona," the motion states. "It has come to our attention that others have recently attempted to embarrass Ronald Brewer and his family by publicizing his criminal and mental-health problems," it states.

Gaines granted the motion on Jan. 6.

Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/news/elect...brewer-son-medical-records.html#ixzz1lEYODJeE

notice the judge, her son's doctor supported the motion. the matter was adjudicated properly in the end. this is a good example of why we have the best judicial system in the world. same judge, but two different decisions after weighing arguments from both sides.

funny how evince bitches when the right brings up the children of dem pols....but in her world, it is ok to attack the children of pub pols.

and dude is right...why is this attackable? what relevance? so desperate to smear the woman, you have to go through her mentally ill kid.

I noticed that she hasn't had anything negative to say about Obama's illegal relatives.
Mental Health records are not, and should not be, open to the public.

We all know he got arrested, what it was for, and that he has mental health issues.

Yet we still don't have an explanation as to why we should be talking about the son. Why is this okey dokey any more than it is okay to go after Obama's half brother or something?

This is just another ploy that is being used to try and discredit a politician, by using their family against them.
The extremes on both sides do this and it's the idiots who listen to them.
(Excerpt) Reporter Ginger Rough, who covers the Governor's Office, in June asked the governor detailed questions about the case for a policy story about cuts to the mental-health budget. (End)

Considering, as Governor, she has the power to cut the budget for mental health and, of course, considering her stand on ObamaCare the citizens of Arizona have every right to inquire. Would a poor person receive comparable treatment? What, exactly, are the costs for his treatment and who is paying? Would she be willing to have her son benefit from only the State supplied care? Is she paying for additional care? Would the sons/daughters of less wealthy mothers receive proper care? Does she give a damn about the less fortunate?

There are numerous reasons full disclosure is in the interest of every Arizona citizen and it has everything to do with politics. That's evident by the timing of the request to seal the file after it had been open for 20 years.

Gawd, those Republicans can be a deceitful bunch.

When she got the governorship and started denying health care to others, while making sure her son had his, she becomes the target of anything. Even her own undoing in this case.
She had his CRIMINAL record sealed

Yeah, because you don't know he got arrested and what for...


What she had sealed were the details in regard to his Mental Health. And again, why is her son part of your discussion? There is zero cause to bring up an adult child here as it applies to her.

You are a mother, would you not fight to keep your son's mental health records out of the frickin' news?

You are trying to play "gotcha" in the most hacktackular fashion. Were this a Dem I would expect Webbway to be on it like this. It takes special hack powers to get upset about a parent making sure their child's mental health records don't hit the newspapers.
When she got the governorship and started denying health care to others, while making sure her son had his, she becomes the target of anything. Even her own undoing in this case.

So what is your solution to cutting the budget and bringing it back to being managable?
another evince lie: "she had his records sealed"

the truth:

But Jan Brewer's ascendance to governor, after Janet Napolitano took a position in the Obama administration, triggered Ronald to request a change.

His attorney filed a motion on Jan. 2, 2009, to seal the case file.

"Ronald Brewer's mother is a public figure in the State of Arizona," the motion states. "It has come to our attention that others have recently attempted to embarrass Ronald Brewer and his family by publicizing his criminal and mental-health problems," it states.

Gaines granted the motion on Jan. 6.

Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/news/electi...#ixzz1lEYODJeE

notice the judge, her son's doctor supported the motion. the matter was adjudicated properly in the end. this is a good example of why we have the best judicial system in the world. same judge, but two different decisions after weighing arguments from both sides.

Making the shrill screaming of the OP nothing but a partisan lynching~
When she got the governorship and started denying health care to others, while making sure her son had his, she becomes the target of anything. Even her own undoing in this case.

Welcome to the board! As I always tell new guests we're like a family here. Noticeably dysfunctional but we all love each other. :D
Yeah, because you don't know he got arrested and what for...


What she had sealed were the details in regard to his Mental Health. And again, why is her son part of your discussion? There is zero cause to bring up an adult child here as it applies to her.

You are a mother, would you not fight to keep your son's mental health records out of the frickin' news?

You are trying to play "gotcha" in the most hacktackular fashion. Were this a Dem I would expect Webbway to be on it like this. It takes special hack powers to get upset about a parent making sure their child's mental health records don't hit the newspapers.

Her son is part of the discussion due to her opposition to ObamaCare while her son is receiving constant medical attention. If she was so concerned about her son's information becoming public why did she wait 20 years? The public interest is not in her "child's" medical records, per se. The interest lies in her financial ability to help her son while opposing a program that may help other mothers who are not financially able.

I realize her son is now a guest of the penal system, however, I'm sure he received the best treatment prior to his run-in with the law. The point being, as a mother of an ill child, I have no doubt she obtained the best doctors and treatment available hoping to prevent exactly what occurred. Now she is fighting to prevent other "children" from receiving treatment whose mothers can not afford it.

(Excerpt) Earlier this year, Gov. Jan Brewer signed off on a $36 million reduction in funding to the Arizona Department of Health Services as part of an effort to close the state's billion-dollar budget gap.

The cuts, which included a wide swath of treatments and services for the mentally ill, impacted about 12,000 adults and 2,000 children not covered by the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System, the state's Medicaid program…..

As governor, Brewer has made several key decisions about the mental-health services on which tens of thousands of patients rely.

Some have benefited the community; others have wreaked havoc on those needing care…..

Despite her longtime advocacy of mental-health issues, critics blasted Brewer earlier this year for cutting services to the mentally ill.

As of July, those with mental illnesses who don't qualify for AHCCCS now receive only basic doctor visits and generic medicine. People contemplating suicide are directed to a crisis hotline, but the state will no longer pay for them to be hospitalized…..

The cuts that took effect July 1 include:

• Case management. People with mental illnesses lost access to case managers who helped coordinate their care among doctors, psychiatrists and the rest of their team. Case managers check in with patients regularly to help them navigate the often confusing mental-health bureaucracy.

• Medication. In most cases, only generic medications are now available, a cause of concern for some patients who rely on name-brand medication to treat their symptoms effectively.

• Transportation. Clients are no longer given rides to and from appointments with their doctors.

• Housing. The state no longer subsidizes housing for those who are not Medicaid-eligible.

The state says people who are in housing will be allowed to stay there until a "safe and appropriate" alternative is found, although officials may eventually set a date for eviction if funding runs out.

The governor said cutting those services was gut-wrenching, noting that for 25-plus years she had served as that population's "cheerleader."

"It was hard. It was very, very hard," she said. (End)

Let’s boil this all down. Cuts, from medical care and drugs to housing and transportation affecting 12,000 adults and 2000 children, by the Governor of a State claiming a financial shortfall all the while said Governor is fighting against a Federal Bill (ObamaCare) which is already providing coverage for some of those things for “children” up to 26 years of age.

"It was hard. It was very, very hard," she said.

Hello???? Maybe if she stopped fighting against the solution, the solution offered by the Democratic Party, the ObamaCare solution…..but, no. When it comes to politics the compassionate, conservative, pro-life Republican party says to hell with other people’s kids. They’re expendable.

That's what this is all about.