Japan Has Decided To Commit National Suicide Rather Than Switch.

The Scots Irish helped to build America and establish it's cultural base.

As a lesbian you keep taking white men's jobs from them with affirmative action while you keep supporting third world invaders so you can keep building your centralized government.
........... that's the difference.

They were dirty foreigners thought. Not American.
Is that so? That's interesting.

Your country is being strangulated by third world immigrants which has turned half of London into Baghdad to change the topic.

Yes we do have an immigration problem but much of it is from the Eastern Europe like Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Baltic states. They are not so bad as they are usually hard workers but at the end of this year they will let in Bulgarians and Romanians including millions of Roma. They are amongst the poorest people in Europe and ruthlessly exploit their children as pickpockets and thieves. I am emphatiaclly against our remaining in the EU as there is no benefit and a million bloody rules.
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The Scots Irish helped to build America and establish it's cultural base.

As a lesbian you keep taking white men's jobs from them with affirmative action while you keep supporting third world invaders so you can keep building your centralized government.
........... that's the difference.

Lol, yep padded cell!
Yes we do have an immigration problem but much of it is from the Eastern Europe like Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Baltic states. They are not so bad as they are usually hard workers but at the end of this year they will let in Bulgarians and Romanians including millions of Roma. They are amongst the poorest people in Europe and ruthlessly exploit their children as pickpockets and thieves. I am emphatiaclly against our remaining in the EU as there is no benefit and a million bloody rules.

I think Britain generally speaking as a nation is against the EU.

Meanwhile America is fast approaching a population of four hundred million people and the borders are still wide open despite what the political parties and the media tells you about increased border security. There is no way that America can sustain such a continuing third world invasion of this scale and hope to serve as a host for such a mass immigration that is ever growing.