JD Vance: I think Orbán made smart decisions that we could learn from in the US

How does exposing an unqualified poser pumped up by an agenda driven billionaire as fascist leaning "handing the interviewer" her ass? I await your explanation.
How is Vance "unqualified?" As for handing her her ass...

First, she tries a variant of the complex question on him which he ignores and then answers that he's advocating for a variant of what Orban did because universities take in billions in taxpayer money. She tries to counter that is irrelevant or should be. He comes back effectively that they are public institutions and shouldn't have a single, narrow, political focus.

To that she changes the argument, "But those universities attract talent from around the world..." This is IRRELEVANT to the original premise. It is changing the argument to a new topic. So, she lost on her original topic and moved on to a new one related to the first.

Losing there, she shifts to what amounts to ad hominem about Viktor Orban and then makes a sweeping generalization followed by another complex question that Vance shoots down handily, circling back to his original argument and answer.

She followed the usual pattern for a Leftist in making an argument and it disintegrated in her face. You could see from her body language she was becoming increasingly uncomfortable with Vance's answers and was casting about for anything that could get her a win. She had nothing.