Gotta love Dano's "shoot from the hip" style...
See, this is what gets to me. Why is it always "Honda" or "Toyota" or "Nissan" that seems to be trying to look for something different. I mean, I'm not necessarily for hydrogen powered cars as I haven't really looked into them enough but why can't some American company get on the ball towards energy independence?
WHAT? On average they cost less than American cars... that is why they are selling so well. Yes, they do have luxury models as well, but how many honda civics and toyota corrolas etc... do you see? There is a reason they are increasing in numbers in the US.... fuel and cost efficiency.
Japan also looks out 5-10 years in the future, sees the FUTURE needs and works to meet future goals. The leadership of US automakers looks to the short term.... as do the auto unions.
Well the Japs are the first to market with a hydrogen powered car ?